2012-02-20 09:57:32 UTC
1st question. He is in an established tank. I do weekly water changes. I do not change filter with water changes but merely rinse in his siphoned water and replace to filter. I siphon about a gal to gal and a half weekly and replace with RO water that has been treated. I believe, I am getting a bacterial bloom a couple days later. His cave and fake plant will get a cloudy with almost a slimy appearance. This does go away a few days later on its own. Any advice how to keep this from happening? It does not seem harmful to him as he eats and swims about happily. I use stress coat and stresszyme at water changes along with a pinch of aquarium salt.
2nd question. Can I introduce a bottom feeder of some sort into his tank? Which bottom feeder would be a good option considering it is just a 3 gal? I have tried crabs in the past and they were a pain in the butt...not to mention I can't seem to keep them alive for long LOL. I have had plecos in the past in my cichlid tank and understand this size tank is not appropriate for them. Many of the other bottom feeders I am familiar with tend to be fin I missing something that may work?