2013-01-28 11:59:21 UTC
These things happen to the best of us. My track record with fish is flawless, I lose very few fish as I'm all about live plants and making my tanks virtuallly maintenance free. I have a long running 29 gallon that only gets a 1/3 water change every 3-4 months.
I have a full time job and then some running my company and employing about a dozen people at the moment, but I always seem to find time to "breed" fish. I'm really no breeder, I just keep my nitrates so low in my tanks that things just kinda happen. I grow the fish out and sell them to the LFS's. It's been years since I've paid for anything at a fish store, I have so much credit from selling them fish :)
But...I'm in the middle of a really rough 48 hour stretch. I'll share my painful story, hoping that it will help others.
I have (almost want to say had) a beautiful 150 gallon Cichlid community tank where I housed 4 breeding pairs, 2 MD Pleco's and 12 Silver Dollars. They have been together from 1.5" to 3" and they are (were) my prized breeding pairs.
I have 2 pairs left, one of which I doubt will be a pair when I get home tonight.
They were all between 12-15 months old, so they were big fish...but not adults.
I decided it was time to split the tank up as my Black Tiger Oscar was starting to get picked on, despite bing the biggest fish in the tank and after a year plus of peace. They were just getting too big for a 150, but I have so many tanks that I was never worried about it.
I moved the Green Terrors and Midas Cichlids to the 120 gallon tank along with 6 Silver Dollars. They are doing great. I moved 2 Aquaclear 110's from the 150 to the 120 so that they had the same bacteria. I half filled the 120 with old water from the 150 and matched the temp exactly.
Everybody in the 120 is doing well.
Everybody in the 150 is dying...Even after a water change and enough Prime for about a 400 gallon tank. Zero Ammonia, Zero Nitrite and sub 10 ppm nitrates. Nothing out of the ordinary, my typical good clean water. Running a single Fluval FX5, so I have 400 gallons of filtration in a 150 and I use floating plants to control my nitrates as Cichlids won't let you grow plants.
I had 12 Silver dollars. 8 Red Hooks and 4 Spotted which were growing much slower.
I was shocked when I found the 2 remaining Red Hooks floating upside down the next day, one dead and one breathing. The 4 Spotted ones were ok and still had their spots. I figured ok, they missed their buddies and the stress killed them. My bad, I went 6 & 6 as modern theory would suggest.
I woke up this morning to find 2 Spotted Silver dollars dead on the bottom and....Gulp...My prized 12"+ Black Tiger Oscar dead on the bottom. One of my Jack Dempseys is acting strange and the Albino Tiger Oscar of course is sulking. The 2 Pleco's are fine as if nothing happened.
My only explanation is that the bond these fish formed from living together for 13-14 months was much stronger than I would have thought. The Stress killed them. I can't come up with anything else. There was no chasing, no thrashing. Just scoop, walk 5 feet and drop.
I expected issues with the fish I moved, not the ones that were left in the tank.
I'm really torn up right now, I'm expecthing to go home to a dead Jack Dempsey. I expect the remaining Albino Tiger Oscar and Jack Dempsey to also pass. I will keep the water as perfect as I can to prevent it, but I'm not working against a conventional disease.
So...I will leave you with this.
The new school theory where you can raise a fish in a tank that's too small for them and just move them at a later date, not true. I knew I needed to split the tank up before they became adults, but I was always able to keep them happy, healthy and the nitrates well under 20-25ppm.
I can't offer up a reason as to why this happened.
I'm not going to replace these fish. I may decide to use this as my exit from breeding.
Maybe it's time to just focus on my reefs and move on from freshwater...
I raised that little Tiger Oscar from 1.5" to approx. 13-14", he was my boy. He always swam up to the glass to beg me for food. I was able to hand feed him and I was able to pet him on his head. Amazing personality...
It sucks when they die. I just couldn't replace him. Time to move on.
Really bummed out. Sometimes you make all of the right moves and things still go bad :(