Mammon Patriot
2009-03-19 10:47:04 UTC
Some of my plants like the Amazon Swords are getting brown spots that evnetually turn into holes, the roots of the plants also seem to be uprooting themselves and becoming dark brown.
It looks like there is dust on my plants too, any idea on what that is? I can shake it off the leaves and it creates big clouds that end up on the substrate and some still on the plants. I think it's algae or maybe not. There's also a very small piece of green in the substrate, that's most likely algae, but it's tiny and not in contact with any plants or objects.
One more thing I have to mention, my daughter took a bunch of fish flakes and dropped them in there. Now there's a lot of food on the bottom and what appears to be white bubbles forming around them; I'm going to asume that's detritus covered by decomposers.
What I think that happened is that the detritus attracted decomposers and they did something to the the sulfate, nitrate, and phosphate levels that spawned a sky rocketing boom in algae (which I asume is the dust on my plants). The algae therefore is blocking the leaves of the plants preventing them from inhaling CO2.
Either that or there's not enough CO2 in there with 1 fish.
I just did a water change (about a third of the tank) and reduced aeration in hopes to fix the problem.
And also if I add more fish, will I need a CO2 pumper?
FYI, the aquarium is 20 gallons with a heater, a filter, a floursecent light, and an air pump which I have stopped in hopes of promoting CO2. The plants have been in there with 1 fish for about 4 days, the heat is approximately 80 farenheit. The fish is perfectly OK, and the substrate I used is "Carib Sea Eco-Complete Plant Substrate" from Big Al's. I have about 1 inch of substrate, someone recommended 3 inches but that sounds ridiculous as it would take up quite a portion of the aquarium, but hey I'm not expert so you tell me. The Amazon Swords came in pots that I'm planning to reduce in size by means of cutting because they are around 3 inches tall. In fact, can't I just entirely remove the pot?
Now the question remains, who is the killer?
Come on detective we don't have long.