what are the basic food reqirment of Gold fish and can i full fll them by giving raw food?
2006-03-15 16:31:28 UTC
I dont wanna give my fish the food in pakets, do u know other ways to full fill the food needs of goldfish? and why dont i made that food in home? like when in past like 7 years or soo i used to give my fisg earthwarms and kind of stuff that was working and thay were happy.soo is u have some tips of alternate and good food plz share..i really dont know the basic reqirement of them..have soem tips?
Eight answers:
2006-03-15 18:40:12 UTC
You are best off providing food in the following three ways:

1) Hikari goldfish pellets regular or gold. This is an all around pellet nutritionaly derived for goldies.

2) Once per week fresh veggies. a few THAWED frozen peas. Like 1 or 2 per fish.

3) Lettuce clips. Add a leaf of romaine lettuce weekly for them to nibble. Remove after 4 hours.

You could make your own diet using gelatin and vegetables and a protein source, but it is hard to balance the needed fiber and vitamins, so you are better off feeding commercial pellets. Remember, 1 pellet per fish per day. Period. That is all they need.
2006-03-16 16:29:30 UTC
Golfish need variety. The earthworms are fine, i would feed either flake or pellet food to insure they are getting enough protein and vitamins... Goldfish especially the fantail types are prone to swim bladder problems so presoaking the pellets/fish flake is important. This will keep the goldfish from sucking to much air as they eat from the surface. I would recommend feeding of flake/pellet every other day. one time a day. No more than what they will eat in a min or so.Definatly more than one pellet a day. I would offer fresh/frozen veggies. Goldfish like a 50% or more veggie diet. Ex. zucchini,broccoli,romaine lettuce,de shelled peas,Or buy a few live aquatic plants such as anachris, water sprite, moneywort. NExt to a varied diet just make sure your water quality stays good for maxium results, each of your fish needs 2/3 gallons of water per inch of their body size. They can also live 8-15 years as long as they are properly cared for.
2006-03-17 16:32:19 UTC
BioGeek is correct again. Goldfish are omnivores. They will eat plant and animal matter. They like lettuce , thawed frozen peas, frozen brine shrimp, goldfish flakes and crisps and goldfish pellets. If you feed them pellets make sure to soak them in a little water from the tank and let the pellets absorb some the water before giving them to them. Some goldfish have a problem that when they swallow pellets that have not been soaked before hand in water the pellet gets down to their tummy and then swells there causing swim bladder disease and bloat. If you would like to feed them little pieces of lettuce leave or spinach they have little clips (much like bag clips for your potato chips) but these have a suction cup on the back to adhere to your tank walls, to hold the piece of lettuce etc. You can get them at most petstores like petco or petsmart.Mine seem to like frozen brine shrimp a lot here lately and the Wardley sinking goldfish pellets ( these pellets do not need soaking before hand just the floating kind)
2006-03-16 03:05:20 UTC
I have 6 goldfish of diff varieties, fancy, plain , bug eyed! They LOVE orange slices. I just slice an orange in half then cut that in pcs. and float it in the tank. They also like baby green peas. Ive also been told by the girl at Pet Smart that they like zucchini but I haven't tried that!But remember they only need this as a treat like 2 times a week I dont think they can live on this alone. They have to get the vitamins in the flakes.
2006-03-16 00:36:39 UTC
I really hope your fish aren't starving while you're trying to figure out what to feed them. What is so wrong with fish flakes?

Top Goldfish Foods

"Goldfish have a unique digestive tract that requires specialized food to ensure proper digestion and optimum health. They should be fed a variety of foods to ensure they receive the nutrients and vitamins they need."

Unless you are an expert in goldfish nutritional and digestive needs, I think you're better off sticking to the packaged stuff.
2006-03-16 01:06:44 UTC
I have an aquarium and have had fish for ages. I feed them Tetra fish flakes and other treats according to the species. Nothing wrong with food in packets, they have all the necessary nutrients they need.
2006-03-16 00:48:08 UTC
Well, my goldfish lives on fish-flakes, but I've tried other things. He doesn't like lettuce, but he does like bread and cracker crumbs. I hear they do like worms, so...

Just try giving it a lot of different foods and observe closely. It'll probably only eat what good for it.
2006-03-16 00:57:01 UTC
ydu7ndg djusnd hg *&Jnb^!

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