Whatever you don't move the tank full it most likely will crack.
Your Best bet is to find a 5 gal bucket food grade and add water from the tank into it then put fish in.
this might not be so good if you can't find a good bucket so find a large plastic bag.
Make sure it is a bag that can be tied shut and is preferably food grade so you figure if you can eat food out of the fish won't die from a chemical.
I don't know how many fish you have or how large but I would take a bag about the size of a bread bag and fill no more than half full with water from the aquarium. Put no more than 4 fish per bag if they are small fish only 2 if they are med to large.
After you put fish in, grasp the bag from top and turn the bag so the top twists tight leaving a big balloon of air in the bag above the water line.
Make sure you have a bag full of air 50% is good.
Tie the bag shut or fold over the twist and put rubber band on.
Do this with all fish then empty tank all the way.
Put tank in vehicle
Stand the bags up in the fish tank so they don't slop around and throw a blanket over them if cold out. Towels work too.
the darkness will help keep them calm and the towels blanket will help keep at even temperature.
When you get to your new location set the tank back up but don't fill all the way to top.
Float the fish on top for 10-20 minutes.
Open bags add some water and float 10 more minutes.
Again, open bags up and add more water and float another 10 minutes.
You are probably safe at this point to release them into the tank.
You need to slowly get them adjusted to the new water and the temperature.
Ideally, if you had a way, like a 5 gal bucket to save half the water from your tank, you would be best off to put 50% of the old tank water back in and the rest fresh clean water treated to remove chlorine of course.
If you are using a different tank at new location follow the same steps of floating them and adding new water etc...
and for the trip, the fish will be fine if you make certain they have air in the bag. Do not fill to top with water.
The bag should be tight with air so as you could pop it like a balloon.
Good luck with the move.
Hope this helps.