I know this sounds really cruel, and I really don't want to kill them, but my fish are going through a lot of pain right now, and I want to end it. My fish seemed to have caught a disease and are disintegrating alive. There's no cure under their circumstances, trust me, I looked everywhere. So I want to know if there is anyway to kill them, gently, without causing them any more pain then they already are in? Please, please help me! I'm an animal lover and I really hate to kill my fish, but I can't save them anymore, so please, please tell me of a gentle way to kill my fish! My fish are still alive so I can't flush them down the toilet because then their die in awful, disgusting water, and in their last minutes their going to have to drag oxygen from people's waste water! I can't just take them out of the water and strand them because in their last minutes the poor things have to deal with the burn of air, not in water against their gills. Somebody help me, please, and please don't ask me what the disease is, because it is a horrible case of fin rot that did so much damage in a couple of minutes, it's too late to put in Melafix and stop it. Please don't tell me other ways to cure it because nothing can fix it now, their tails are falling off! So please tell me how I can end their pain gently!