How long can goldfish live?
2005-12-31 09:47:38 UTC
How long can goldfish live?
Four answers:
2005-12-31 09:50:30 UTC
5 to 8 years
2005-12-31 17:49:27 UTC
Possibly for 40-50 years! There are lots of records of goldfish living over 30 years, but this is exceptional. A typical well cared for goldfish will easily live for ten years. This means that when you buy a goldfish, you are making a long term commitment to the animal (read this and this).

Fact: The oldest living Goldfish to date was a goldfish named Tish owned by Hilda and Gordon Hand of Thirsk, N. Yorkshire, England. Tish lived for 43 years after being won at a fairground in 1956.
Nick Scribner
2005-12-31 17:50:51 UTC
"Fact: The oldest living Goldfish to date was a goldfish named Tish owned by Hilda and Gordon Hand of Thirsk, N. Yorkshire, England. Tish lived for 43 years after being won at a fairground in 1956.

"Goldfish can have lifespans up to 20+ years if they are fed a varied diet and housed in exceptional water conditions. They need to be in tanks that are not overcrowded. They need sufficient swimming room and do best if they are kept with their own types."
2005-12-31 17:48:24 UTC
10-20 years

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.