The aquarium salt will kill the fin rot indirectly. Bettas are very sensitive to salt, so this treatment will kill the betta. When the fin rot no longer has a host, it will die off.
Fin rot (Columnaris disease) is a bacteria very resistant to salt. It would be comfortable in salinity that would instantly kill a betta.
Yes Melafix has bad side effects on bettas. Even the half strength version labeled safer for bettas has side effects. Melafix is a herbal remedy, not a medication. One difference between medications and herbals is that the side effects of herbals are rougher than the medications, while their benefits are less documentable.
The first step is to clean the gravel in the betta tank and do a 50% water change. The detritus and organic build up in the water will use up the medication you add to treat the fin rot. Use a medication that contains acriflavine or metronidazole and follow the directions with it.
A broad spectrum treatment like the Aqua Pro Cure linked above will also treat diseases that have secondarily appeared in response to the fish's weakened condition.