Can you mix gold fish with tropical fish?
2006-02-13 23:42:24 UTC
Can you mix gold fish with tropical fish?
Eight answers:
2006-02-14 08:41:25 UTC
It would not be a good idea at all. Goldfish are coldwater fish, while tropicals like warmer water. Plus, the tropicals would probably eat all the food before the goldfish even get any, depending on the type of goldfish. Fancy goldfish, like orandas and celestials, have over-developed fins, making it difficult to swim very well.
2006-02-14 18:30:54 UTC
You CAN mix them, but I wouldn't recommend it. First, goldfish thrive in different water conditions than tropicals (they like colder water and different PH, nitrate, etc. levels). From experience, I tried it once (during a move, when I had little choice). For the most part, the goldfish and tropicals did NOT get along. Oddly, some of the smaller (and normally docile) tropical fish were constantly picking at the fins of the much bigger goldfish. I had to pull all but one of the goldfish out, and the poor things had to live in a smallish bowl until after the move. One goldfish, however, seemed to get along fine with the tropicals for awhile. They peacefully co-existed for a couple of weeks, with the tropicals leaving the goldfish fins alone. Then, again for no particular reason, the goldfish decided he was the "alpha fish" and started picking on the tropicals.

I'm sure you'll get some responses from people who have mixed goldfish with tropicals with no problems. I have no doubt these stories are true. I guess the best answer is: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It may depend on the personalities of the actual fish in question. I'd say if you want to try it, go ahead....just make sure you have a back-up plan in case you encounter difficulties.
2006-02-14 16:20:58 UTC
i would say no. Gold fish, especially the larger species like Red Capped Orandas, don't mix well with anything other than Gold Fish. They also put off sooo much waste that a smaller fish in a 10-30 gal tank would not benfit from the relationship.
2006-02-14 08:09:25 UTC
yes. some tropical fish can be mix with gold fish like mollies. just ask the pet shop clerk for more details.. but it is advice to mixed only other goldfish species/strain..
2006-02-14 14:40:06 UTC
i did. just make sure the tropical fish are all gental. i made the mistake of putting gorami`s (sp) in with my gold fish and i had to take them out and separate them. i was told by an inexperienced person at the pet store these were gental fish, but they arent. so just be careful with certain tropicals.
2006-02-14 14:44:36 UTC
I put a gold fish in with my guppies. And it didn't hurt them at all. But i guess it depends on the fish you are going to put it with.
2006-02-14 15:42:16 UTC
yes i have golad fish with tropical and they frendly to each other but your going to have to put them in the aquarium at the same time
2006-02-14 09:04:15 UTC
yes you can,make sure they are the same size so they don't eat each other.

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