Well, do you want me to tell you what you want to hear or what should be done? I think you want me to tell you what should be done.
In a 29 Gallon Tank, you should only get 2-3 (Clownfish) of ONLY ONE SPECIES! Do not mix species because they fight and a 29 gallon tank is a small tank and they will fight. Do not follow the 1" per gallon rule, as that is just stupid. This is the equipment you need to buy.
Glass or Acrylic Hood
Reflective Lighting Hood
Lights (combo of Metal Halide, Fluorescent, and Actinic) Timers
Sump Tank or HOB Setup
Protein Skimmer
Filter (Berlin style sump works best)
Live Rock
Live Sand
Synthetic Sea Salt Mixes
Thermometers / Hydrometer
Algae Scrapers and/or Gravel Vacuum
Background (you tape on the back of the tank)
Test Kits and Supplements:
For Fish/Electricity
Extension Cords
Power Strips
Ground Fault Interrupters
You may need:
Reverse osmosis unit
UV sterilizer
I will post the other information in edits if I cannot fit anymore. Before you put a "Nemo" Fish in, you must cycle your saltwater aquarium properly. This can be done by adding some cheap damsels, or using some raw shrimp from the store. Just let the shrimp sit in the tank and rot. Or let the damsels stay in the tank (Remember to feed them) you can take the damsels out when you're done and return them to store for some store credit. You can also complete the Nitrogen Cycle with Live Rock. This is the best and most humane way. You can put the Live Rock in at the start. You can add a shrimp, but only after the tank is done cycling, and you have no copper in your water.
For Filtration, if you don't plan on getting a reef tank, I suggest just getting a Fluval Canister filter. They're easy and cheap. If wanting the best for your fish, and you have the money to spend, purchase a Sump (Wet/Dry Trickle Filter). I wouldn't use the walmart whisper filter because that is probably for freshwater and won't cut it. If you want a reeftank, don't skimp on the lighting or protein skimmer either. You don't need to have Live Sand, as the Sand will become alive due to the Live Rock.
If there is anything else I"ll just edit my question.