I have a 56 gallon with a school of 11 neons, a pearl gourami, a blue gourami, 4 rainbow fish, two Bolivian rams and a rainbow shark. I know my tank is a little maxed out but I've been thinking about getting a fiddler crab(male or female, whichever is less dangerous) I am aware that fiddler crabs are brackish and that many of my fish can't handle that much salt in their water. I also know that fiddler crabs require a great deal of land. So here is my idea, I will construct a large plateau/platform in my tank (about 15" tall) and then lower the water level a little so the platform is above water. Now because fiddler crabs are brackish I would put a plastic container filled with brackish water up there on the plateau. Would this work? is the fiddler likely to kill every one of my fish? Would lowering the water and displacing water by adding large rocks make the tank unsuitable for the amount of fish?