How many fish can you name? name the most and you get 10 points!!!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How many fish can you name? name the most and you get 10 points!!!?
Eighteen answers:
Nick P. ™
2008-02-16 11:25:03 UTC
duffy, clean,swimmy,panda.mickey,dida,puff dady,lansalot,jumper,hunger,rainbow, thats it dand :(

2008-02-16 12:04:27 UTC
blue berry, apple, i like fruit names :)
2008-02-16 11:34:05 UTC







irn bru

sammy =]






cola (lol)


hope that enough lol
2008-02-16 11:26:24 UTC






Ethan I













kayla k
2008-02-16 12:23:39 UTC
platies,silvrdoller, angle,beata,guppies,indain glass fish,clown fish,puffer fish,goldfish,red lionheads,
2008-02-16 11:43:49 UTC


























if you have a lot like me name them by letters.
























and more
2008-02-16 11:33:12 UTC
Dolphin (mahi mahi)

Yellowfin Tuna



Blue Marlin


Vampire Snapper

Mandarin Goby

Blue Damsel






great white shark

tiger shark

whale shark

nurse shark

parrot fish

ballan wrasse



bat ray

big eye



black sea bass

blue gill


white marlin

pacific marlin



butterfly fish




trigger fish




cutthroat eel

cutthroat trout


devil ray



eagle ray

electric eel

file fish







hog snapper



moon fish


lemon shark


jew fish

goliath grouper


largemouth bass


Aba Aba

Ablabes Barb

Adolfo's Cory

Adonis Characin

Adonis Pleco

Adonis Tetra

African Blockhead Cichlid

African Brass Tetra

African Broad-Band Darter

African Butterfly Cichlid

African Glass Catfish

African Knifefish

African Moon Tetra

African Peacock Cichlid

African Pike-Characoid

African Red-Eyed Characin

Arnoldichthys spilopterous

African Tiger Fish

African Whiptail Catfish

African Wood Catfish

Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid

Ahl's Rummy Nose Tetra

Akure Aphyosemion

Alabama Hog Sucker

Albert's Synodontis

Albino Driftwood Cat

Albino Fetivum

Albino Ram

Albino Red-Tailed Shark

Albino Tiger Barb

Algae Eater, False Siamese

Algae Eater, Lemon

Algae Eater, Siamese

Alligator Gar

Altum Angel

American Eel

And I can name more but I'd really rather not type them all

People are just going to get them all off websites
Cassandra A
2008-02-16 11:28:40 UTC
Gold fish, carp, cod, grouper, beta, catfish, bass, trout, rainbow trout, big mouth bass, minnow, great white shark, dolphin, mahi mahi, soutchi, red snapper, whale, taliapia, tuna, salmon, mullet, hammer head shark
2016-08-27 07:53:04 UTC
Always when i submit a question, even if its the simplest one, they cant provide me a good informed answer on this website. What happened to people who actually take the time to answer..
2008-02-16 13:30:43 UTC
blacktip shark

great white shark

neon tetra

cardinal tetra

kerri tetra

flame tetra

black neon tetra

silver arowana

black arowana


red tail catfish

common pleco

goldie pleco

scarlet pleco

pacific blue tang (sw)

atlantic blue tang (sw)

angelfish (freshwater)

flame angel (saltwater, from this point on ill abbreviate with fw and sw)

queen angel (sw)

king angel (sw)

bulldog pleco

asian arowana

jardini arowana

aftrcan arowana

sengal bichir

ornate bichir

widebar datnoid

thinbar datnoid

new guinea datnoid

jurnese catfish

tiger shovelnose

dwarf corydoras

corydoras sp."neon green laser"

clown trigger

florida gar

alligator gar

desert goby

yellow goby

catalina goby

goliath african tiger fish

giant payara

red bellied piranha


peacock bass


small mouth bass

large mouth bass

striped bass

yellow lab (african cichlid)


dwarf puffer



moorish idol

percula clown

tomato clown

false percula clown

giant grouper

polleni grouper

starry cichlid

marbled grouper


panther grouper


mandain dragonet

dragon eel

elecrtic eel


hachetfish (sw)

african butterflyfish (fw)

clown butterflyfish

zebra danios



gold barbs

tiger barbs

convict cichlids

pictus catfish


creek chubsucker

lest killifish


dwarf golden moray

bluestreak cleaner wrasse

humphead wrasse

motoro ray (fw)

eagle ray (sw)

manta ray (sw)

teacup ray (fw)

trout cichlid

blue ram

bolivian ram

cacatoo cichlid


gold tetra

yellow brutola

pineapple fish

shoal surgeonfish

endlers livebearer

id name more, but then wed be here all night. just in case someone copys and pastes all my fish into their answer, youll know, so please dont choose them then. thanks.
2008-02-16 13:33:17 UTC
Clown pleco

common pleco

clown loach

dojo loach

horseface loach





powder blue tang

blue tang

moray eal

skunk loach

tiger botia


red- bellied pacu

silver dollar


feeder guppy

tinfoil barb

giant danio

zebra danio

sind danio

leopard danio

pearl danio

hi-spot rasbora

dwarf rasbora

rosy barb

gold shark

tiger barb

clown barb

green tiger barb

black ruby barb

t barb

red tailed shark

bala shark

rainbow shark

flying fox

goldfinned barb

cherry barb

sucking loach

tiger loach

weather loach

Red-finned loach

Pakisani loach

zebra loach

chain loach

redtail botia loach

kuhli loach

Striped headstander

spotted headstander

banded leporinus

splash tetra

beckford's pencilfish

whiteside pencilfish

three-striped pencilfish

dwarf pencilfish

one-linned pencilfish

marbled hatchetfish

spotted hatchetfish

common hatchetfish

silver hatchetfish

silver hatchetfish

giant hatchetfish

congo tetra

big eyed cachorra

bloodfin tetra

glass bloodfin tetra

blind cave fish

blue tetra

black widow

silver tip tetra

rummynose tetra

firehead tetra

glowlite tetra


columbian blue flame

blood tetra

bleeding heart tetra

black phantom tetra

lemon tetra

purple emperor tetra

black neon

neon tetra

flame tetra

redeyed tetra

diamond tetra

cardinal tetra

false neon tetra

goldie tetra

black-finned pacu

penguin tetra

spotted metynnis

brown pacu

disk tetra

channel catfishgolden tiger lancer

striped dwarf catfish

glass ghostfish

mini gulper

siamese shark

paroon pangasius

walking catfish

black emperror tetra

pictus catfish

feater fin catfish

angel catfish

banded synontis

cukoo catfish

upside down catfish

electric squeaker

mottled catfish

talking catfish

chocolate catfish

barred sorubim

redtail catfish

spotted pimelodus

fourline catfish

emerald cory

aldolf's cory

banjo cat

armoured catfish

giant cory

bronze cory

silverstreak corydoras

skunk cory

fairy catfish

celebes sailfish

pacific blue eye

beared catfish

peppered cory

blue spotted cory

incolicana cory

panda catfish

spotfin cory

pygmy cory

bannertail catfish

porthole catfish

shcwartz's catfish

threestripe corydoras

sterbas cory

bristlenose pleco

blueseam pleco

whiptail needlefish

leapard pleco

zebra pleco

galaxy pleco

snow king plecostamus

golden oto


orange spot pleco

blue eyed pleco

giant whiptail

black lined planuque

glass knifefish

little scaled african knifefish

green knifefish


madagaskar rainbowfish

blehers rainbowfish

crimson-spotted rainbowfish

austrailian rainbowfish

bicolor rainbowfish

banner lyretail

sky blue killi

ahli's lyretail

cape lopez lyretail

striped panchex

blue panchax

splendid killifish

red linned killi

Golden panchax

blue lyretail

redtail notho

bluefin notho

clown killi

misquito fish

least killifish

sailfin molly


green swordtail

black molly

red snakeskin

green molly

mexican sailfin

micky mouse platy

variegated platy

american flagfish

himalyan painted glassy fish

indian glass fish


african moony

target perch

blue acara

green terror

red devil

compressed chilid

depressed chilid

red breast chilid

agrassis dwarf chilid

umbrella chilid

cockatoo chilid

convict chilid

firemouth chilid

shell dweller chilid

fairy chilid


pecos chilid

peacock chilid

malawai thick lip

jack dempsey

festa's chilid

sieve chilid

yelloe belly chilid


keyhole chilid

dogtooth chilid

humphead chilid

two spot pike chilid

blue flash chilid

albino oscar chilid

striped goby

orange chromide

pearl chilid

blood red jewel chilid

blue julie

texas chilid

rainbow chilid

emerald chilid

blue julie

marliers's chilid

checkerboard chilid

electric yellow chilid

ornate julie

masked julie

red finned chilid

blue streak hap

goldeneye chilid

flag chilid

fag chilid

daffodil chilid

fairy chilid

lemon chilid

ram chilid

red discus


blue discus

electric blue hap

west african tilapia

brown discus

green discus

argus fish


blackbelt chilid

blunthead chilid

red scat

spotted scat

spotted puffer

figure 8 puffer

moonlight gourami

snakeskin gourami

three spot gourami

chocalate gourami

giant gourami

dwarf honey gourami

thick-lipped gourami

pearl gourami

lace gourami '

paradise fish

kissing gourami

banded gourami giant gourami

moon betta






channel catfish


smallmouth bass

largemouth bass


tahoe tesse

lochness fish


black moor goldfish

spotted white koi

comet goldfish

rosy red minnow

red tailed tin foil barb

half moon betta

rainbow trout

endlers livebearers

feeder comet

prehistoric dragon fish

lion fish

rock fish

parrot fish


gold white cloud mountain minnows


magic carpet fish

rope fish

blue trout


great northern pike

fancy guppies

fancy goldfish

gold gourami

red devil

koi angelfish

spotted cardinal fish

lemonpeel angelfish

flame angelfish

firefish goby

neon blue goby

Yellow hawaiian tang

naso tang

algae blenny

flame hawkfish

scotts fairy wrasse

six line wrasse

yellowtail damselfish

Black and white ocellaris clownfish

yellowstripe maroon clownfish

ocellaris clownfish

green mandarin

royal gramma basslet

spotted mandarin

gold nugget pleco

red fire guppy

gold veil angelfish

german ram

hora's loach

hi fin shark

chinese algae eater

spiny eal

dalmation molly

White blushing angel

black angel

Half back angelfish

red angel fish

Indiam dwarf puffer


african butterflyfish

Tire track eel

dusky panther goby

peacock gudgeon

gold datnoid

needle nose gar

palmas bichir

delhezi bichir


butterfly koi

black koi

shushui koi

sanke koi
2008-02-16 14:14:19 UTC

Barrier Reef Anemonefish Amphiprion akindynos

Blue-lip Anemonefish Amphiprion latezonatus

Clown Anemonefish Amphiprion percula

False-Clown Anemonefish Amphiprion ocellaris

McCulloch’s Anemonefish Amphiprion mccullochi

Orange-fin Anemonefish Amphiprion chrysopterus

Pink Anemonefish Amphiprion perideraion

Red and Black Anemonefish Amphiprion melanopus

Spine-cheek Anemonefish Premnas biaculeatus


Ballina Angelfish Chaetodontoplus ballinae

Bicolor Angelfish Centropyge bicolor

Blackspot Angelfish Genicanthus melanospilos

Blue Angelfish Pomacanthus semicirculatus

Blueface Angelfish Pomacanthus xanthometopon

Blue-ringed Angelfish Pomacanthus annularis

Conspicuous Angelfish Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus

Emperor Angelfish Pomacanthus imperator

Pearl-scaled Angelfish Centropyge vroliki

Regal Angelfish Pygoplites diacanthus

Two-spine Angelfish Centropyge bispinosa

Three-spot Angelfish Apolemichthys trimaculatus

Vermiculated Angelfish Chaetodontoplus mesoleucus

Yellowtail Angelfish Chaetodontoplus meredithi

Anglerfishes -

Blackspot Anglerfish Tathicarpus butleri

Glover's Anglerfish Rhycherus gloveri

Painted Anglerfish Antennarius pictus

Prickly Anglerfish Echinophryne crassispina

Sargassum Anglerfish Histrio histrio

Smooth Anglerfish Histiophryne bougainvilli

Striped Anglerfish Antennarius striatus

Tasselled Anglerfish Rhycherus filamentosus

Undescribed Anglerfish

Whitespotted Anglerfish Phyllophryne scortea

Anthias, Basslets

Mirror Basslet Pseudanthias pleurotaenia

Purple Anthias Pseudanthias tuka

Scalefin Anthias Pseudanthias squamipinnis

Striped Anthias Pseudanthias fasciatus

Threadfin Anthias Pseudanthias huchtii


Gelatinous Blindfish Aphyonus gelatinosus


Banded Archerfish Toxotes jaculatrix

Seven-spot Archerfish Toxotes chatareus

Australian freshwater fishes (native and introduced)

Australian Bass Macquaria novemaculeata

Australian Lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri

Australian Smelt Retropinna semoni

Banded Archerfish Toxotes jaculatrix

Banded Grunter Amniataba percoides

Banded Rainbowfish Melanotaenia trifasciata

Barramundi Lates calcarifer

Blue-spot Goby Pseudogobius sp. 9

Brown Trout Salmo trutta

Bullrout Notesthes robusta

Carp Cyprinus carpio

Climbing Galaxias Galaxias brevipinnis

Common Jollytail Galaxias maculatus

Cox's Gudgeon Gobiomorphus coxii

Desert Goby Chlamydogobius eremius

Diamond-scale Mullet Liza vaigiensis

Duboulay's Rainbowfish Melanotaenia duboulayi

Dwarf Flathead Gudgeon Philypnodon sp

Eastern Gambusia Gambusia holbrookii

Estuary Perch Macquaria colonorum

False-spined Catfish Neosilurus pseudospinosus

Fire-tail Gudgeon Hypseleotris galii

Flat-tail Mullet Liza argentea

Fly-specked Hardyhead Craterocephalus stercusmuscarum

Freshwater Catfish Tandanus tandanus

Gulf Saratoga Scleropages jardinii

Jungle Perch Kuhlia rupestris

Longfinned Eel Anguilla reinhardtii

Mountain Galaxias Galaxias olidus

Murray Cod Maccullochella peelii

Obbes' Catfish Porochilus obbesi

Oriental Weatherloach Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

Ornate Rainbowfish Rhadinocentrus ornatus

Pacific Blue Eye Pseudomugil signifer

Redfin Perch Perca fluviatilis

River Blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus

Salamanderfish Lepidogalaxias salamandroides

Seven-spot Archerfish Toxotes chatareus

Shovelnose Catfish Ariopsis paucus

Silver Perch Bidyanus bidyanus

Smooth-scaled Gudgeon Odonteleotris macrodon

Striped Gudgeon Gobiomorphus australis

Trout Cod Maccullochella macquariensis

Australian Salmons

Eastern Australian Salmon Arripis trutta


Bandfish Cepola australis


See Butterflyfishes


Bigeye Barracuda Sphyraena forsteri

Chevron Barracuda Sphyraena qenie

Giant Seapike Sphyraena jello


Ribbon Barracudina Arctozenus risso

Barramundi and Glassfishes

Barramundi Lates calcarifer


Longfin Batfish Platax pinnatus

Starry Batfish Halieutaea stellata

Teira Batfish Platax teira

Beaked Salmons, Beaked Sandfishes

Beaked Salmon Gonorynchus greyi


Beardfish Polymixia berndti


Blotched Bigeye Heteropriacanthus cruentatus

Crescent-tail Bigeye Priacanthus hamrur

Long-finned Bigeye Cookeolus japonicus


Bean's Bigscale Scopelogadus beanii

Billfishes (Marlins, Sailfish, Swordfishes etc)

Black Marlin Makaira indica

Blue Marlin Makaira nigricans

Indo-Pacific Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus

Swordfish Xiphias gladius


Australian Blenny Ecsenius australianus

Bicolor Blenny Ecsenius bicolor

Bluestriped Fangblenny Plagiotremus rhinorhynchos

Brown Sabretooth Blenny Petroscirtes lupus

Coral Blenny Ecsenius yaeyamaensis

False Cleanerfish Aspidontus taeniatus

Hairtail Blenny Xiphasia setifer

Horned Blenny Parablennius intermedius

Lance Blenny Aspidontus dussumieri

Leopard Blenny Exallias brevis

Piano Fangblenny Plagiotremus tapeinosoma

Seram Blenny Salarias ceramensis

Suckerlip Blenny Andamia amphibius

Throatspot Blenny Nannosalarias nativitatus

Yellow-lined Sabretooth Blenny Petroscirtes fallax

Yellowtail Fang Blenny Meiacanthus atrodorsalis

Bonnetmouths, Rubyfishes-

Cosmopolitan Rubyfish Plagiogeneion rubiginosus


Giant Boarfish Paristiopterus labiosus

Longsnout Boarfish Pentaceropsis recurvirostris

Richardson's Boarfish Pseudopentaceros richardsoni

Short Boarfish Parazanclistius hutchinsi

Yellowspotted Boarfish

Bonnetmouths, Rubyfishes-

Cosmopolitan Rubyfish Plagiogeneion rubiginosus


Giant Boarfish Paristiopterus labiosus

Longsnout Boarfish Pentaceropsis recurvirostris

Richardson's Boarfish Pseudopentaceros richardsoni

Short Boarfish Parazanclistius hutchinsi

Yellowspotted Boarfish Paristiopterus gallipavo

Bony Tongues-

Gulf Saratoga Scleropages jardinii


Eastern Smooth Boxfish Anoplocapros inermis

Horn-nosed Boxfish Rhynchostracion rhinorhynchos

Humpback Boxfish Anoplocapros lenticularis

Roundbelly Cowfish Lactoria diaphana

Thorny-back Cowfish Lactoria fornasini

Turretfish Tetrosomus reipublicae

Yellow Boxfish Ostracion cubicus

Breams, Snapper, Tarwhine etc

Snapper Pagrus auratus

Tarwhine Rhabdosargus sarba

Yellowback Seabream Dentex tumifrons

Yellowfin Bream Acanthopagrus australis


Black-tipped Bullseye Pempheris affinis

Common Bullseye Pempheris multiradiata

Rough Bullseye Pempheris klunzingeri

Small-scale Bullseye Pempheris compressa


Beaked Coralfish Chelmon rostratus

Bennett's Butterflyfish Chaetodon bennetti

Bluespot Butterflyfish Chaetodon plebeius

Chevroned Butterflyfish Chaetodon trifascialis

Dot-and-Dash Butterflyfish Chaetodon pelewensis

Dotted Butterflyfish Chaetodon semeion

Double-saddle Butterflyfish Chaetodon ulietensis

Dusky Butterflyfish Chaetodon flavirostris

Eastern Talma Chelmonops truncatus

Eastern Triangular Butterflyfish Chaetodon baronessa

Eight-banded Butterflyfish Chaetodon octofasciatus

Forcepsfish Forcipiger flavissimus

Günther's Butterflyfish Chaetodon guentheri

Klein's Butterflyfish Chaetodon kleinii

Latticed Butterflyfish Chaetodon rafflesii

Longfin Bannerfish Heniochus acuminatus

Longnose Butterflyfish Forcipiger longirostris

Lord Howe Butterflyfish Amphichaetodon howensis

Masked Bannerfish Heniochus monoceros

Merten's Butterflyfish Chaetodon mertensii

Ocellate Butterflyfish Parachaetodon ocellatus

Ornate Butterflyfish Chaetodon ornatissimus

Oval-spot Butterflyfish Chaetodon speculum

Pennant Bannerfish Heniochus chrysostomus

Pyramid Butterflyfish Hemitaurichthys polylepis

Rainford's Butterflyfish Chaetodon rainfordi

Redfin Butterflyfish Chaetodon lunulatus

Reticulated Butterflyfish Chaetodon reticulatus

Saddled Butterflyfish Chaetodon ephippium

Schooling Bannerfish Heniochus diphreutes

Singular Bannerfish Heniochus singularius

Speckled Butterflyfish Chaetodon citrinellus

Teardrop Butterflyfish Chaetodon unimaculatus

Threadfin Butterflyfish Chaetodon auriga

Vagabond Butterflyfish Chaetodon vagabundus

Western Talma Chelmonops curiosus

Cales and Weed-whitings

Herring Cale Odax cyanomelas

Little Weed Whiting Neoodax balteatus

Rainbow Cale Odax acroptilus

Rock Cale Aplodactylus lophodon

Tubemouth Siphonognathus argyrophanes


Capricorn Cardinalfish Apogon capricornis

Eastern Gobbleguts Vincentia novaehollandiae

Five-lined Cardinalfish Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus

Girdled Cardinalfish Archamia zosterophora

Moluccan Cardinalfish Apogon monospilus

Norfolk Cardinalfish Apogon norfolcensis

Ochre-striped Cardinalfish Apogon compressus

Peeper Cardinalfish Neamia articycla

Plain Cardinalfish Apogon apogonides

Ring-tail Cardinalfish Apogon aureus

Southern Cardinalfish Vincentia conspersa

Sydney Cardinalfish Apogon limenus

Tiger Cardinalfish Cheilodipterus macrodon

Carps, minnows, etc

Carp Cyprinus carpio

Paedocypris progenetica


Estuary Catfish Cnidoglanis macrocephalus

False-spined Catfish Neosilurus pseudospinosus

Freshwater Catfish Tandanus tandanus

Obbes' Catfish Porochilus obbesi

Shovelnose Catfish Ariopsis paucus

Striped Catfish Plotosus lineatus

Chimaeras and allies

Chimaera Chimaeridae

Elephant Fish Callorhinchus milii


Eastern Cleaner-Clingfish Cochleoceps orientalis

Grass Clingfish Gobiesocidae Genus C sp. 1

Kuiter's Deepsea Clingfish Kopua kuiteri

Tasmanian Clingfish Aspasmogaster tasmaniensis


Cobia Rachycentron canadum


See Australian freshwater fishes

See Rockcods, Basslets, Coral Cods, Coral Trouts and Groupers-


Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae


deepsea coffinfish Chaunacops melanostomus

Comets, Hulafishes etc

Comet Calloplesiops altivelis

Eastern Blue Devil Paraplesiops bleekeri

Southern Blue Devil Paraplesiops meleagris

Eastern Hulafish Trachinops taeniatus

Noarlunga Hulafish Trachinops noarlungae

Conger Eels

Large-tooth Conger Bathyuroconger vicinus

Lord Ho
2008-02-16 11:27:17 UTC
This should do it...
2008-02-16 15:17:57 UTC
dis is gay
2008-02-16 12:47:54 UTC
* African glass catfish

* African lungfish

* aholehole

* airbreathing catfish

* airsac catfish

* Alaska blackfish

* albacore

* alewife

* alfonsino

* algae eater

* alligatorfish

* Amago

* American sole

* Amur pike

* anchovy

* anemonefish

* angelfish

* angel shark

* anglemouth

* angler

* angler catfish

* anglerfish

* Antarctic cod

* Antarctic dragonfish

* Antarctic icefish

* antenna codlet

* arapaima

* archerfish

* Arctic char

* armored catfish

* armored gurnard

* armored searobin

* armorhead

* armorhead catfish

* arowana

* arrowtooth eel

* aruana

* Asian carps

* Asiatic glassfish

* Atka mackerel

* Atlantic cod

* Atlantic eel

* Atlantic herring

* Atlantic salmon

* Atlantic saury

* Atlantic silverside

* Atlantic trout

* Australasian salmon

* Australian grayling

* Australian herring

* Australian lungfish

* Australian prowfish

* Ayu

[edit] B

* Baikal oilfish

* Bala shark

* ballan wrasse

* bamboo shark

* banded killifish

* bandfish

* bango

* bangu

* banjo catfish

* barb

* barbel

* barbeled dragonfish

* barbeled houndshark

* barbelless catfish

* barfish

* barracuda

* barracudina

* barramundi

* barred danio

* barreleye

* basking shark

* bass

* basslet

* batfish

* bat ray

* beachsalmon

* beaked salmon

* beaked sandfish

* beardfish

* beluga sturgeon

* bengal danio

* bent-tooth

* betta

* bichir

* bigeye

* bigeye squaretail

* bighead carp

* bigmouth buffalo

* bigscale

* bigscale fish

* bigscale pomfret

* billfish

* bitterling

* black angelfish

* black bass

* black dragonfish

* blackchin

* blackfish

* blacktip reef shark

* black mackerel

* black pickerel

* black prickleback

* black scalyfin

* black sea bass

* blacksmelt

* black swallower

* black tetra

* black triggerfish

* bleak

* blenny

* blind goby

* blind shark

* blue catfish

* blue danio

* blue-redstripe danio

* blue eye

* bluefin tuna

* bluefish

* bluegill

* blue gourami

* blue shark

* blue triggerfish

* blue whiting

* bluntnose knifefish

* bluntnose minnow

* boafish

* boarfish

* bobtail snipe eel

* bocaccio

* boga

* Bombay duck

* bonefish

* bonito

* bonnetmouth

* bonytail chub

* bonytongue

* bottlenose

* bowfin

* boxfish

* bramble shark

* bream

* bristlemouth

* bristlenose catfish

* broadband dogfish

* brook lamprey

* brook trout

* brotula

* brown trout

* buffalofish

* bullhead

* bullhead shark

* bull shark

* bull trout

* burbot

* buri

* burma danio

* burrowing goby

* butterfish

* butterfly ray

* butterflyfish

[edit] C

* California flyingfish

* California halibut

* California smoothtongue

* canary rockfish

* candiru

* candlefish

* capelin

* cardinalfish

* carp

* carpetshark

* carpsucker

* catalufa

* catfish

* catla

* cat shark

* cavefish

* Celebes rainbowfish

* central mudminnow

* cepalin

* chain pickerel

* channel bass

* channel catfish

* char

* cherry salmon

* chimaera

* chinook salmon

* Cherubfish

* chub

* chubsucker

* chum salmon

* cichlid

* cisco

* climbing catfish

* climbing gourami

* climbing perch

* clingfish

* clownfish

* clown loach

* clown triggerfish

* cobbler

* cobia

* cod

* cod icefish

* codlet

* codling

* coelacanth

* coffinfish

* coho salmon

* coley

* collared carpetshark

* collared dogfish

* Colorado squawfish

* combfish

* combtail gourami

* combtooth blenny

* common carp

* common tunny

* conger eel

* convict blenny

* cookie-cutter shark

* coolie loach

* cornetfish

* cowfish

* cownose ray

* cow shark

* crappie

* creek chub

* crestfish

* crevice kelpfish

* croaker

* crocodile icefish

* crocodile shark

* crucian carp

* cuchia

* cuckoo wrasse

* cusk-eel

* cuskfish

* cutlassfish

* cutthroat eel

* cutthroat trout

[edit] D

* dab

* dace

* daggertooth

* daggertooth pike conger

* damselfish

* danio

* darter

* dartfish

* dealfish

* Death Valley pupfish

* deep sea anglerfish

* deep sea bonefish

* deep sea eel

* deep sea smelt

* deepwater cardinalfish

* deepwater flathead

* deepwater stingray

* delta smelt

* demoiselle

* denticle herring

* desert pupfish

* Devario

* devil ray

* discus

* diver: New Zealand sand diver or Long-finned sand diver

* dogfish

* dogfish shark

* dogteeth tetra

* dojo loach

* Dolly Varden trout

* dorab

* dorado

* dory

* dottyback

* dragonet

* dragonfish

* dragon goby

* driftfish

* driftwood catfish

* drum (fish)

* duckbill

* duckbilled barracudina

* duckbill eel

* dusky grouper

* dwarf gourami

* dwarf loach

[edit] E

* eagle ray

* earthworm eel

* eel

* eelblenny

* eel cod

* eel-goby

* eelpout

* eeltail catfish

* elasmobranch

* electric catfish

* electric eel

* electric knifefish

* electric ray

* electric stargazer

* elephantfish

* elephantnose fish

* elver

* emperor

* emperor angelfish

* emperor bream

* escolar

* eucla cod

* eulachon

* European chub

* European eel

* European flounder

* European minnow

[edit] F

* false brotula

* false cat shark

* false moray

* false trevally

* fangtooth

* fathead sculpin

* featherback

* featherfin knifefish

* fierasfer

* filefish

* finback cat shark

* fingerfish

* fire bar danio

* firefish

* flabby whalefish

* flagblenny

* flagfin

* flagfish

* flagtail

* flashlight fish

* flatfish

* flathead

* flathead catfish

* flat loach

* flier

* flounder

* flying characin

* flying gurnard

* flyingfish

* footballfish

* forehead brooder

* four-eyed fish

* freshwater eel

* freshwater flyingfish

* freshwater hatchetfish

* freshwater herring

* freshwater shark

* frigate mackerel

* frilled shark

* frogfish

* frogmouth catfish

* fusilier

[edit] G

* galjoen fish

* Ganges shark

* gar

* garden eel

* garibaldi

* garpike

* ghost flathead

* ghost knifefish

* ghost pipefish

* ghoul

* giant danio

* giant gourami

* giant sea bass

* giant wels

* gianttail

* gibberfish

* Gila trout

* gizzard shad

* glass catfish

* glassfish

* glass knifefish

* glowlight danio

* goatfish

* goblin shark

* goby

* golden dojo

* golden loach

* golden trout

* goldeye

* goldfish

* goldspotted killifish

* gombessa

* goosefish

* gopher rockfish

* gouramie

* grass carp

* graveldiver

* gray eel-catfish

* grayling

* gray mullet

* gray reef shark

* great white shark

* green swordtail

* greeneye

* greenling

* grenadier

* grideye

* ground shark

* grouper

* grunion

* grunt

* grunter

* grunt sculpin

* gudgeon

* guitarfish

* gulf menhaden

* gulper eel

* gulper

* gunnel

* guppy

* gurnard

[edit] H

* haddock

* hagfish

* hairtail

* hairyfish

* hake

* half-gill

* halfbeak

* halfmoon

* halibut

* halosaur

* hamlet

* hammerhead shark

* Hammerjaw

* handfish

* hardhead catfish

* harelip sucker

* hatchetfish

* hawkfish

* herring

* herring smelt

* hillstream loach

* hog sucker

* hoki

* horn shark

* horsefish

* houndshark

* huchen

* humuhumu-nukunuku-apua‘a

[edit] I

* icefish

* ide

* ilisha

* inanga

* inconnu

* Indian mullet

* iniom

[edit] J

* jack

* jackfish

* Jack Dempsey

* Japanese eel

* jawfish

* jellynose fish

* jewelfish

* jewel tetra

* jewfish

* john dory

[edit] K

* Kafue pike

* kahawai

* kaluga

* kanyu

* kelp perch

* kelpfish

* killifish

* king of herring

* king-of-the-salmon

* kissing gourami

* knifefish

* knifejaw

* koi

* kokanee

* kokopu

* kuhli loach

[edit] L

* labyrinth fish

* ladyfish

* lagena

* lake trout

* lake whitefish

* lampfish

* lamprey

* lancetfish

* lanternfish

* large-eye bream

* largemouth bass

* largenose fish

* leaffish

* leatherjacket

* lefteye flounder

* lemon shark

* lenok

* leopard danio

* lightfish

* lighthousefish

* limia

* ling

* ling cod

* lionfish

* livebearer

* lizardfish

* loach

* loach catfish

* loach goby

* loach minnow

* longfin

* longfin dragonfish

* longfin escolar

* long

fabian,clang,Bob,diablo, alpha,calvin atlas, babel, bitsy, elvis,clark, blade, bowie, hamletbubbles,gypsy,finley, cheech,bubbly,jonah, angel, babs,daisy, baby, boomer, flotsam,grant,brutus,cheesy, curly, cory,clash, chiriri, corsica, dec, fez fishy, fred, grath, gilbert, eyed,georgi, harry, hadley,hagen,eiji,jericho, joe, joey, jojo, jose,indy, hydra, water, lori,jin,killer, kiarra, kewis, lewis, lulu, marble, macaroni, ling, kraken,Mr., mo, monster, mouse, mojo, kyroe,calvin, bigfish, bob, betty, nemo, clown, dotty, dotsy, dori, dora, sadie, frosty, daisy, clumsy, pinky. here is all the names that I came up for a fish

Or do u mean types of fish??

Adolfo's cory Corydoras adolfoi

Albino cory Corydoras aeneus

Algae eater/Sucking loach Gyrinocheilus aymonieri

Angelfish Pterophyllum scalare

Archer fish Toxotes jaculatrix

Armoured bichir Polypterus delhezi

Asian arowana/Dragon fish Scleropages formosus

Banded/Three-lined rainbow Melanotaenia trifasciata

Banjo catfish Bunocephalus amaurus

Buenos aires tetra Hemigrammus caudovittatus

Betta/Siamese fighting fish Betta splendens

Black Neon tetra Hyphessobrycon herbertaxelrodi

Black Piranha Serrasalmus rhombeus (niger)

Black Ruby barb Puntius / Barbus nigrofasciatus

Black Widow tetra Gymnocorymbus ternetzi

Bleeding heart tetra Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma

Blue/Three-spot gourami Trichogaster trichopterus

Blue acara Aequidens pulcher

Boeseman's rainbow Melanotaenia boesemani

Bristle-nosed catfish Ancistrus sp.

Brown julie Julidochromis dickfeldi

Bumblebee cichlid Maylandia/Metriaclima crabro

Campbell's Tigerfish Datnioides (Coius) campbelli

Cape Lopez Lyretail Aphyosemion australe

Cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi

Celestial Pearl danio (Galaxy Rasbora) Celestichthys margaritatus

Chequered julie Julidochromis marlieri

Cherry barb Puntius / Barbus titteya

Clown knifefish Chitala (Notopterus) chitala

Clown loach Botia macracanthus

Clown Synodontis Synodontis decorus

Common hatchet Gasteropelecu
2008-02-16 11:28:58 UTC
* African glass catfish

* African lungfish

* aholehole

* airbreathing catfish

* airsac catfish

* Alaska blackfish

* albacore

* alewife

* alfonsino

* algae eater

* alligatorfish

* Amago

* American sole

* Amur pike

* anchovy

* anemonefish

* angelfish

* angel shark

* anglemouth

* angler

* angler catfish

* anglerfish

* Antarctic cod

* Antarctic dragonfish

* Antarctic icefish

* antenna codlet

* arapaima

* archerfish

* Arctic char

* armored catfish

* armored gurnard

* armored searobin

* armorhead

* armorhead catfish

* arowana

* arrowtooth eel

* aruana

* Asian carps

* Asiatic glassfish

* Atka mackerel

* Atlantic cod

* Atlantic eel

* Atlantic herring

* Atlantic salmon

* Atlantic saury

* Atlantic silverside

* Atlantic trout

* Australasian salmon

* Australian grayling

* Australian herring

* Australian lungfish

* Australian prowfish

* Ayu

[edit] B

* Baikal oilfish

* Bala shark

* ballan wrasse

* bamboo shark

* banded killifish

* bandfish

* bango

* bangu

* banjo catfish

* barb

* barbel

* barbeled dragonfish

* barbeled houndshark

* barbelless catfish

* barfish

* barracuda

* barracudina

* barramundi

* barred danio

* barreleye

* basking shark

* bass

* basslet

* batfish

* bat ray

* beachsalmon

* beaked salmon

* beaked sandfish

* beardfish

* beluga sturgeon

* bengal danio

* bent-tooth

* betta

* bichir

* bigeye

* bigeye squaretail

* bighead carp

* bigmouth buffalo

* bigscale

* bigscale fish

* bigscale pomfret

* billfish

* bitterling

* black angelfish

* black bass

* black dragonfish

* blackchin

* blackfish

* blacktip reef shark

* black mackerel

* black pickerel

* black prickleback

* black scalyfin

* black sea bass

* blacksmelt

* black swallower

* black tetra

* black triggerfish

* bleak

* blenny

* blind goby

* blind shark

* blue catfish

* blue danio

* blue-redstripe danio

* blue eye

* bluefin tuna

* bluefish

* bluegill

* blue gourami

* blue shark

* blue triggerfish

* blue whiting

* bluntnose knifefish

* bluntnose minnow

* boafish

* boarfish

* bobtail snipe eel

* bocaccio

* boga

* Bombay duck

* bonefish

* bonito

* bonnetmouth

* bonytail chub

* bonytongue

* bottlenose

* bowfin

* boxfish

* bramble shark

* bream

* bristlemouth

* bristlenose catfish

* broadband dogfish

* brook lamprey

* brook trout

* brotula

* brown trout

* buffalofish

* bullhead

* bullhead shark

* bull shark

* bull trout

* burbot

* buri

* burma danio

* burrowing goby

* butterfish

* butterfly ray

* butterflyfish

[edit] C

* California flyingfish

* California halibut

* California smoothtongue

* canary rockfish

* candiru

* candlefish

* capelin

* cardinalfish

* carp

* carpetshark

* carpsucker

* catalufa

* catfish

* catla

* cat shark

* cavefish

* Celebes rainbowfish

* central mudminnow

* cepalin

* chain pickerel

* channel bass

* channel catfish

* char

* cherry salmon

* chimaera

* chinook salmon

* Cherubfish

* chub

* chubsucker

* chum salmon

* cichlid

* cisco

* climbing catfish

* climbing gourami

* climbing perch

* clingfish

* clownfish

* clown loach

* clown triggerfish

* cobbler

* cobia

* cod

* cod icefish

* codlet

* codling

* coelacanth

* coffinfish

* coho salmon

* coley

* collared carpetshark

* collared dogfish

* Colorado squawfish

* combfish

* combtail gourami

* combtooth blenny

* common carp

* common tunny

* conger eel

* convict blenny

* cookie-cutter shark

* coolie loach

* cornetfish

* cowfish

* cownose ray

* cow shark

* crappie

* creek chub

* crestfish

* crevice kelpfish

* croaker

* crocodile icefish

* crocodile shark

* crucian carp

* cuchia

* cuckoo wrasse

* cusk-eel

* cuskfish

* cutlassfish

* cutthroat eel

* cutthroat trout

[edit] D

* dab

* dace

* daggertooth

* daggertooth pike conger

* damselfish

* danio

* darter

* dartfish

* dealfish

* Death Valley pupfish

* deep sea anglerfish

* deep sea bonefish

* deep sea eel

* deep sea smelt

* deepwater cardinalfish

* deepwater flathead

* deepwater stingray

* delta smelt

* demoiselle

* denticle herring

* desert pupfish

* Devario

* devil ray

* discus

* diver: New Zealand sand diver or Long-finned sand diver

* dogfish

* dogfish shark

* dogteeth tetra

* dojo loach

* Dolly Varden trout

* dorab

* dorado

* dory

* dottyback

* dragonet

* dragonfish

* dragon goby

* driftfish

* driftwood catfish

* drum (fish)

* duckbill

* duckbilled barracudina

* duckbill eel

* dusky grouper

* dwarf gourami

* dwarf loach

[edit] E

* eagle ray

* earthworm eel

* eel

* eelblenny

* eel cod

* eel-goby

* eelpout

* eeltail catfish

* elasmobranch

* electric catfish

* electric eel

* electric knifefish

* electric ray

* electric stargazer

* elephantfish

* elephantnose fish

* elver

* emperor

* emperor angelfish

* emperor bream

* escolar

* eucla cod

* eulachon

* European chub

* European eel

* European flounder

* European minnow

[edit] F

* false brotula

* false cat shark

* false moray

* false trevally

* fangtooth

* fathead sculpin

* featherback

* featherfin knifefish

* fierasfer

* filefish

* finback cat shark

* fingerfish

* fire bar danio

* firefish

* flabby whalefish

* flagblenny

* flagfin

* flagfish

* flagtail

* flashlight fish

* flatfish

* flathead

* flathead catfish

* flat loach

* flier

* flounder

* flying characin

* flying gurnard

* flyingfish

* footballfish

* forehead brooder

* four-eyed fish

* freshwater eel

* freshwater flyingfish

* freshwater hatchetfish

* freshwater herring

* freshwater shark

* frigate mackerel

* frilled shark

* frogfish

* frogmouth catfish

* fusilier

[edit] G

* galjoen fish

* Ganges shark

* gar

* garden eel

* garibaldi

* garpike

* ghost flathead

* ghost knifefish

* ghost pipefish

* ghoul

* giant danio

* giant gourami

* giant sea bass

* giant wels

* gianttail

* gibberfish

* Gila trout

* gizzard shad

* glass catfish

* glassfish

* glass knifefish

* glowlight danio

* goatfish

* goblin shark

* goby

* golden dojo

* golden loach

* golden trout

* goldeye

* goldfish

* goldspotted killifish

* gombessa

* goosefish

* gopher rockfish

* gouramie

* grass carp

* graveldiver

* gray eel-catfish

* grayling

* gray mullet

* gray reef shark

* great white shark

* green swordtail

* greeneye

* greenling

* grenadier

* grideye

* ground shark

* grouper

* grunion

* grunt

* grunter

* grunt sculpin

* gudgeon

* guitarfish

* gulf menhaden

* gulper eel

* gulper

* gunnel

* guppy

* gurnard

[edit] H

* haddock

* hagfish

* hairtail

* hairyfish

* hake

* half-gill

* halfbeak

* halfmoon

* halibut

* halosaur

* hamlet

* hammerhead shark

* Hammerjaw

* handfish

* hardhead catfish

* harelip sucker

* hatchetfish

* hawkfish

* herring

* herring smelt

* hillstream loach

* hog sucker

* hoki

* horn shark

* horsefish

* houndshark

* huchen

* humuhumu-nukunuku-apua‘a

[edit] I

* icefish

* ide

* ilisha

* inanga

* inconnu

* Indian mullet

* iniom

[edit] J

* jack

* jackfish

* Jack Dempsey

* Japanese eel

* jawfish

* jellynose fish

* jewelfish

* jewel tetra

* jewfish

* john dory

[edit] K

* Kafue pike

* kahawai

* kaluga

* kanyu

* kelp perch

* kelpfish

* killifish

* king of herring

* king-of-the-salmon

* kissing gourami

* knifefish

* knifejaw

* koi

* kokanee

* kokopu

* kuhli loach

[edit] L

* labyrinth fish

* ladyfish

* lagena

* lake trout

* lake whitefish

* lampfish

* lamprey

* lancetfish

* lanternfish

* large-eye bream

* largemouth bass

* largenose fish

* leaffish

* leatherjacket

* lefteye flounder

* lemon shark

* lenok

* leopard danio

* lightfish

* lighthousefish

* limia

* ling

* ling cod

* lionfish

* livebearer

* lizardfish

* loach

* loach catfish

* loach goby

* loach minnow

* longfin

* longfin dragonfish

* longfin escolar

* long
2008-02-16 11:28:31 UTC
beta,goldfish,freash water, salt water,Bristle Nose, Otocinclus,Plecostomas,blue tail,red tail,black ruby,catfish.....

* African glass catfish

* African lungfish

* aholehole

* airbreathing catfish

* airsac catfish

* Alaska blackfish

* albacore

* alewife

* alfonsino

* algae eater

* alligatorfish

* Amago

* American sole

* Amur pike

* anchovy

* anemonefish

* angelfish

* angel shark

* anglemouth

* angler

* angler catfish

* anglerfish

* Antarctic cod

* Antarctic dragonfish

* Antarctic icefish

* antenna codlet

* arapaima

* archerfish

* Arctic char

* armored catfish

* armored gurnard

* armored searobin

* armorhead

* armorhead catfish

* arowana

* arrowtooth eel

* aruana

* Asian carps

* Asiatic glassfish

* Atka mackerel

* Atlantic cod

* Atlantic eel

* Atlantic herring

* Atlantic salmon

* Atlantic saury

* Atlantic silverside

* Atlantic trout

* Australasian salmon

* Australian grayling

* Australian herring

* Australian lungfish

* Australian prowfish

* Ayu

[edit] B

* Baikal oilfish

* Bala shark

* ballan wrasse

* bamboo shark

* banded killifish

* bandfish

* bango

* bangu

* banjo catfish

* barb

* barbel

* barbeled dragonfish

* barbeled houndshark

* barbelless catfish

* barfish

* barracuda

* barracudina

* barramundi

* barred danio

* barreleye

* basking shark

* bass

* basslet

* batfish

* bat ray

* beachsalmon

* beaked salmon

* beaked sandfish

* beardfish

* beluga sturgeon

* bengal danio

* bent-tooth

* betta

* bichir

* bigeye

* bigeye squaretail

* bighead carp

* bigmouth buffalo

* bigscale

* bigscale fish

* bigscale pomfret

* billfish

* bitterling

* black angelfish

* black bass

* black dragonfish

* blackchin

* blackfish

* blacktip reef shark

* black mackerel

* black pickerel

* black prickleback

* black scalyfin

* black sea bass

* blacksmelt

* black swallower

* black tetra

* black triggerfish

* bleak

* blenny

* blind goby

* blind shark

* blue catfish

* blue danio

* blue-redstripe danio

* blue eye

* bluefin tuna

* bluefish

* bluegill

* blue gourami

* blue shark

* blue triggerfish

* blue whiting

* bluntnose knifefish

* bluntnose minnow

* boafish

* boarfish

* bobtail snipe eel

* bocaccio

* boga

* Bombay duck

* bonefish

* bonito

* bonnetmouth

* bonytail chub

* bonytongue

* bottlenose

* bowfin

* boxfish

* bramble shark

* bream

* bristlemouth

* bristlenose catfish

* broadband dogfish

* brook lamprey

* brook trout

* brotula

* brown trout

* buffalofish

* bullhead

* bullhead shark

* bull shark

* bull trout

* burbot

* buri

* burma danio

* burrowing goby

* butterfish

* butterfly ray

* butterflyfish

[edit] C

* California flyingfish

* California halibut

* California smoothtongue

* canary rockfish

* candiru

* candlefish

* capelin

* cardinalfish

* carp

* carpetshark

* carpsucker

* catalufa

* catfish

* catla

* cat shark

* cavefish

* Celebes rainbowfish

* central mudminnow

* cepalin

* chain pickerel

* channel bass

* channel catfish

* char

* cherry salmon

* chimaera

* chinook salmon

* Cherubfish

* chub

* chubsucker

* chum salmon

* cichlid

* cisco

* climbing catfish

* climbing gourami

* climbing perch

* clingfish

* clownfish

* clown loach

* clown triggerfish

* cobbler

* cobia

* cod

* cod icefish

* codlet

* codling

* coelacanth

* coffinfish

* coho salmon

* coley

* collared carpetshark

* collared dogfish

* Colorado squawfish

* combfish

* combtail gourami

* combtooth blenny

* common carp

* common tunny

* conger eel

* convict blenny

* cookie-cutter shark

* coolie loach

* cornetfish

* cowfish

* cownose ray

* cow shark

* crappie

* creek chub

* crestfish

* crevice kelpfish

* croaker

* crocodile icefish

* crocodile shark

* crucian carp

* cuchia

* cuckoo wrasse

* cusk-eel

* cuskfish

* cutlassfish

* cutthroat eel

* cutthroat trout

[edit] D

* dab

* dace

* daggertooth

* daggertooth pike conger

* damselfish

* danio

* darter

* dartfish

* dealfish

* Death Valley pupfish

* deep sea anglerfish

* deep sea bonefish

* deep sea eel

* deep sea smelt

* deepwater cardinalfish

* deepwater flathead

* deepwater stingray

* delta smelt

* demoiselle

* denticle herring

* desert pupfish

* Devario

* devil ray

* discus

* diver: New Zealand sand diver or Long-finned sand diver

* dogfish

* dogfish shark

* dogteeth tetra

* dojo loach

* Dolly Varden trout

* dorab

* dorado

* dory

* dottyback

* dragonet

* dragonfish

* dragon goby

* driftfish

* driftwood catfish

* drum (fish)

* duckbill

* duckbilled barracudina

* duckbill eel

* dusky grouper

* dwarf gourami

* dwarf loach

[edit] E

* eagle ray

* earthworm eel

* eel

* eelblenny

* eel cod

* eel-goby

* eelpout

* eeltail catfish

* elasmobranch

* electric catfish

* electric eel

* electric knifefish

* electric ray

* electric stargazer

* elephantfish

* elephantnose fish

* elver

* emperor

* emperor angelfish

* emperor bream

* escolar

* eucla cod

* eulachon

* European chub

* European eel

* European flounder

* European minnow

[edit] F

* false brotula

* false cat shark

* false moray

* false trevally

* fangtooth

* fathead sculpin

* featherback

* featherfin knifefish

* fierasfer

* filefish

* finback cat shark

* fingerfish

* fire bar danio

* firefish

* flabby whalefish

* flagblenny

* flagfin

* flagfish

* flagtail

* flashlight fish

* flatfish

* flathead

* flathead catfish

* flat loach

* flier

* flounder

* flying characin

* flying gurnard

* flyingfish

* footballfish

* forehead brooder

* four-eyed fish

* freshwater eel

* freshwater flyingfish

* freshwater hatchetfish

* freshwater herring

* freshwater shark

* frigate mackerel

* frilled shark

* frogfish

* frogmouth catfish

* fusilier

[edit] G

* galjoen fish

* Ganges shark

* gar

* garden eel

* garibaldi

* garpike

* ghost flathead

* ghost knifefish

* ghost pipefish

* ghoul

* giant danio

* giant gourami

* giant sea bass

* giant wels

* gianttail

* gibberfish

* Gila trout

* gizzard shad

* glass catfish

* glassfish

* glass knifefish

* glowlight danio

* goatfish

* goblin shark

* goby

* golden dojo

* golden loach

* golden trout

* goldeye

* goldfish

* goldspotted killifish

* gombessa

* goosefish

* gopher rockfish

* gouramie

* grass carp

* graveldiver

* gray eel-catfish

* grayling

* gray mullet

* gray reef shark

* great white shark

* green swordtail

* greeneye

* greenling

* grenadier

* grideye

* ground shark

* grouper

* grunion

* grunt

* grunter

* grunt sculpin

* gudgeon

* guitarfish

* gulf menhaden

* gulper eel

* gulper

* gunnel

* guppy

* gurnard

[edit] H

* haddock

* hagfish

* hairtail

* hairyfish

* hake

* half-gill

* halfbeak

* halfmoon

* halibut

* halosaur

* hamlet

* hammerhead shark

* Hammerjaw

* handfish

* hardhead catfish

* harelip sucker

* hatchetfish

* hawkfish

* herring

* herring smelt

* hillstream loach

* hog sucker

* hoki

* horn shark

* horsefish

* houndshark

* huchen

* humuhumu-nukunuku-apua‘a

[edit] I

* icefish

* ide

* ilisha

* inanga

* inconnu

* Indian mullet

* iniom

[edit] J

* jack

* jackfish

* Jack Dempsey

* Japanese eel

* jawfish

* jellynose fish

* jewelfish

* jewel tetra

* jewfish

* john dory

[edit] K

* Kafue pike

* kahawai

* kaluga

* kanyu

* kelp perch

* kelpfish

* killifish

* king of herring

* king-of-the-salmon

* kissing gourami

* knifefish

* knifejaw

* koi

* kokanee

* kokopu

* kuhli loach

[edit] L

* labyrinth fish

* ladyfish

* lagena

* lake trout

* lake whitefish

* lampfish

* lamprey

* lancetfish

* lanternfish

* large-eye bream

* largemouth bass

* largenose fish

* leaffish

* leatherjacket

* lefteye flounder

* lemon shark

* lenok

* leopard danio

* lightfish

* lighthousefish

* limia

* ling

* ling cod

* lionfish

* livebearer

* lizardfish

* loach

* loach catfish

* loach goby

* loach minnow

* longfin

* longfin dragonfish

* longfin escolar

2008-02-16 11:25:37 UTC
* African glass catfish

* African lungfish

* aholehole

* airbreathing catfish

* airsac catfish

* Alaska blackfish

* albacore

* alewife

* alfonsino

* algae eater

* alligatorfish

* Amago

* American sole

* Amur pike

* anchovy

* anemonefish

* angelfish

* angel shark

* anglemouth

* angler

* angler catfish

* anglerfish

* Antarctic cod

* Antarctic dragonfish

* Antarctic icefish

* antenna codlet

* arapaima

* archerfish

* Arctic char

* armored catfish

* armored gurnard

* armored searobin

* armorhead

* armorhead catfish

* arowana

* arrowtooth eel

* aruana

* Asian carps

* Asiatic glassfish

* Atka mackerel

* Atlantic cod

* Atlantic eel

* Atlantic herring

* Atlantic salmon

* Atlantic saury

* Atlantic silverside

* Atlantic trout

* Australasian salmon

* Australian grayling

* Australian herring

* Australian lungfish

* Australian prowfish

* Ayu

[edit] B

* Baikal oilfish

* Bala shark

* ballan wrasse

* bamboo shark

* banded killifish

* bandfish

* bango

* bangu

* banjo catfish

* barb

* barbel

* barbeled dragonfish

* barbeled houndshark

* barbelless catfish

* barfish

* barracuda

* barracudina

* barramundi

* barred danio

* barreleye

* basking shark

* bass

* basslet

* batfish

* bat ray

* beachsalmon

* beaked salmon

* beaked sandfish

* beardfish

* beluga sturgeon

* bengal danio

* bent-tooth

* betta

* bichir

* bigeye

* bigeye squaretail

* bighead carp

* bigmouth buffalo

* bigscale

* bigscale fish

* bigscale pomfret

* billfish

* bitterling

* black angelfish

* black bass

* black dragonfish

* blackchin

* blackfish

* blacktip reef shark

* black mackerel

* black pickerel

* black prickleback

* black scalyfin

* black sea bass

* blacksmelt

* black swallower

* black tetra

* black triggerfish

* bleak

* blenny

* blind goby

* blind shark

* blue catfish

* blue danio

* blue-redstripe danio

* blue eye

* bluefin tuna

* bluefish

* bluegill

* blue gourami

* blue shark

* blue triggerfish

* blue whiting

* bluntnose knifefish

* bluntnose minnow

* boafish

* boarfish

* bobtail snipe eel

* bocaccio

* boga

* Bombay duck

* bonefish

* bonito

* bonnetmouth

* bonytail chub

* bonytongue

* bottlenose

* bowfin

* boxfish

* bramble shark

* bream

* bristlemouth

* bristlenose catfish

* broadband dogfish

* brook lamprey

* brook trout

* brotula

* brown trout

* buffalofish

* bullhead

* bullhead shark

* bull shark

* bull trout

* burbot

* buri

* burma danio

* burrowing goby

* butterfish

* butterfly ray

* butterflyfish

[edit] C

* California flyingfish

* California halibut

* California smoothtongue

* canary rockfish

* candiru

* candlefish

* capelin

* cardinalfish

* carp

* carpetshark

* carpsucker

* catalufa

* catfish

* catla

* cat shark

* cavefish

* Celebes rainbowfish

* central mudminnow

* cepalin

* chain pickerel

* channel bass

* channel catfish

* char

* cherry salmon

* chimaera

* chinook salmon

* Cherubfish

* chub

* chubsucker

* chum salmon

* cichlid

* cisco

* climbing catfish

* climbing gourami

* climbing perch

* clingfish

* clownfish

* clown loach

* clown triggerfish

* cobbler

* cobia

* cod

* cod icefish

* codlet

* codling

* coelacanth

* coffinfish

* coho salmon

* coley

* collared carpetshark

* collared dogfish

* Colorado squawfish

* combfish

* combtail gourami

* combtooth blenny

* common carp

* common tunny

* conger eel

* convict blenny

* cookie-cutter shark

* coolie loach

* cornetfish

* cowfish

* cownose ray

* cow shark

* crappie

* creek chub

* crestfish

* crevice kelpfish

* croaker

* crocodile icefish

* crocodile shark

* crucian carp

* cuchia

* cuckoo wrasse

* cusk-eel

* cuskfish

* cutlassfish

* cutthroat eel

* cutthroat trout

[edit] D

* dab

* dace

* daggertooth

* daggertooth pike conger

* damselfish

* danio

* darter

* dartfish

* dealfish

* Death Valley pupfish

* deep sea anglerfish

* deep sea bonefish

* deep sea eel

* deep sea smelt

* deepwater cardinalfish

* deepwater flathead

* deepwater stingray

* delta smelt

* demoiselle

* denticle herring

* desert pupfish

* Devario

* devil ray

* discus

* diver: New Zealand sand diver or Long-finned sand diver

* dogfish

* dogfish shark

* dogteeth tetra

* dojo loach

* Dolly Varden trout

* dorab

* dorado

* dory

* dottyback

* dragonet

* dragonfish

* dragon goby

* driftfish

* driftwood catfish

* drum (fish)

* duckbill

* duckbilled barracudina

* duckbill eel

* dusky grouper

* dwarf gourami

* dwarf loach

[edit] E

* eagle ray

* earthworm eel

* eel

* eelblenny

* eel cod

* eel-goby

* eelpout

* eeltail catfish

* elasmobranch

* electric catfish

* electric eel

* electric knifefish

* electric ray

* electric stargazer

* elephantfish

* elephantnose fish

* elver

* emperor

* emperor angelfish

* emperor bream

* escolar

* eucla cod

* eulachon

* European chub

* European eel

* European flounder

* European minnow

[edit] F

* false brotula

* false cat shark

* false moray

* false trevally

* fangtooth

* fathead sculpin

* featherback

* featherfin knifefish

* fierasfer

* filefish

* finback cat shark

* fingerfish

* fire bar danio

* firefish

* flabby whalefish

* flagblenny

* flagfin

* flagfish

* flagtail

* flashlight fish

* flatfish

* flathead

* flathead catfish

* flat loach

* flier

* flounder

* flying characin

* flying gurnard

* flyingfish

* footballfish

* forehead brooder

* four-eyed fish

* freshwater eel

* freshwater flyingfish

* freshwater hatchetfish

* freshwater herring

* freshwater shark

* frigate mackerel

* frilled shark

* frogfish

* frogmouth catfish

* fusilier

[edit] G

* galjoen fish

* Ganges shark

* gar

* garden eel

* garibaldi

* garpike

* ghost flathead

* ghost knifefish

* ghost pipefish

* ghoul

* giant danio

* giant gourami

* giant sea bass

* giant wels

* gianttail

* gibberfish

* Gila trout

* gizzard shad

* glass catfish

* glassfish

* glass knifefish

* glowlight danio

* goatfish

* goblin shark

* goby

* golden dojo

* golden loach

* golden trout

* goldeye

* goldfish

* goldspotted killifish

* gombessa

* goosefish

* gopher rockfish

* gouramie

* grass carp

* graveldiver

* gray eel-catfish

* grayling

* gray mullet

* gray reef shark

* great white shark

* green swordtail

* greeneye

* greenling

* grenadier

* grideye

* ground shark

* grouper

* grunion

* grunt

* grunter

* grunt sculpin

* gudgeon

* guitarfish

* gulf menhaden

* gulper eel

* gulper

* gunnel

* guppy

* gurnard

[edit] H

* haddock

* hagfish

* hairtail

* hairyfish

* hake

* half-gill

* halfbeak

* halfmoon

* halibut

* halosaur

* hamlet

* hammerhead shark

* Hammerjaw

* handfish

* hardhead catfish

* harelip sucker

* hatchetfish

* hawkfish

* herring

* herring smelt

* hillstream loach

* hog sucker

* hoki

* horn shark

* horsefish

* houndshark

* huchen

* humuhumu-nukunuku-apua‘a

[edit] I

* icefish

* ide

* ilisha

* inanga

* inconnu

* Indian mullet

* iniom

[edit] J

* jack

* jackfish

* Jack Dempsey

* Japanese eel

* jawfish

* jellynose fish

* jewelfish

* jewel tetra

* jewfish

* john dory

[edit] K

* Kafue pike

* kahawai

* kaluga

* kanyu

* kelp perch

* kelpfish

* killifish

* king of herring

* king-of-the-salmon

* kissing gourami

* knifefish

* knifejaw

* koi

* kokanee

* kokopu

* kuhli loach

[edit] L

* labyrinth fish

* ladyfish

* lagena

* lake trout

* lake whitefish

* lampfish

* lamprey

* lancetfish

* lanternfish

* large-eye bream

* largemouth bass

* largenose fish

* leaffish

* leatherjacket

* lefteye flounder

* lemon shark

* lenok

* leopard danio

* lightfish

* lighthousefish

* limia

* ling

* ling cod

* lionfish

* livebearer

* lizardfish

* loach

* loach catfish

* loach goby

* loach minnow

* longfin

* longfin dragonfish

* longfin escolar

* long

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.