What do you do when you buy fish from wallmart an d they die after there date to be returned?
2006-02-10 11:31:10 UTC
I have fish but they keep on ding and my father said that the store could have a dease that is killing them it also killed my otherones to!
Six answers:
2006-02-10 11:38:49 UTC
2006-02-10 11:51:40 UTC
One reason your fish may be dying is the electronic eye at the entrance/exit. You must carry your fish above shoulder height so that they don't get zapped by that security beeper at the exit. If you don't hold them above the electric security eye, the fish will die soon after. I have a great fish that I've had for over a year, but I held him way over my head when I left the store and kept him inside my jacket once outside because it was winter and the cold can kill also.
LITTLE 1 :o)
2006-02-10 13:24:01 UTC
Wal-mart doens't know how to take care of their fish or have anybody on staff that does! 9 times out of 10 their fish are sick. Don't buy any fish or pet related items from them! And tell your friends not to by from them either! You best bet for healthy fish is from a small mom & pop pet store!
2006-02-10 16:40:48 UTC
buy fish at the local pet store not at Walmart. walmart fishes are cheap but not as healthy as the local pet store.

You can ask them about death fish policy. Some will give you up to 10 days.
2006-02-10 11:42:05 UTC
i agree get rid of them
2006-02-12 10:32:17 UTC
flush them - nothing else you can do

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