wow....... at least it's for a sience fair project..... will you get them bigger homes after the project?
comets need at least 20 gallons of water PER FISH to be healthy... they get HUGE.... and they need room to swim.... i personally, would try just getting feeder fish for your project, because they need more space than a goldfish bowl, and you'll need more time than even a few months.
anyway, for your questions.
1. keep goldfish at 68-70 degrees for them to eat properly.
2. if you don't have a filter or bubler on your 'bowls',,, then you need to change about 20% of the water DAILY... the ammonia builds up, and there's no way to get rid of it unless you do water changes.
3. get a test strip kit... they're about 10 bucks for a '5 in 1' kit,,, and you might want to get an ammonia test kit. you can log those numbers and the size of the fish, water changes, and anything else you do differently as your chart and data.
4. 10 gallons of water per goldfish up to 5 years, then 15 to 20 gallons per fish after 5 years. when you're done with your experiment, i'd put your babies in a stock tank. comets usually are in stock tanks, because comets are special, and they need more water and room to swim than most goldfish.
5. only feed the fish what they will eat in 2 minutes. feed a little, then time them, see how much they eat, and then use that same amount EVERY Time you feed them. (that's what your'e supposed to feed them anyway, but it's good for your chart too to feed them the same amoutn all the time.) only feed 1 time a day, or once every other day, because if they don't have room to swim they won't use up the calories they've eaten and they'll get sick if they eat too much.
6. no, those bowls aren't big enough. period. i wouldnt keep them in there longer than a few weeks. you can get cheap 5 and 10 gallon tanks (the different sizes i'm assuming are for the experiment) at petsmart or walmart for fairly cheap, i think it's 10 bucks for a 10 gallon tank alone at petsmart..... they are called goldfish bowls, because emporers in china used to put baby koi and goldfish in them as decoration. they didnt care about the heatlh or well being of the goldfish, they just thot they were pretty.
good luck with your experiment, but please, when it's done, get them bigger homes. if you're close to a farm or ranch, you could take them there and the farmers might put them in their stock tanks (it's pretty common, actually.)
have fun, hope she get's first prize!!!