Help really urgent!!!!!!!!!! Thisis important, ten points for best answer!!!!!!?
2010-02-10 17:18:18 UTC
In our 29 gallon tank we have:

Platy x3
Dwarf Gourami x2
GloFish x4
Neon Tetra x7
Ghost Shrimp x3
Molly x3

Can I add a Discus into my tank? According to
they're all compatible. Thanks.

Also: if so, can I just add one? I'll plant some live plants, too, before I add him. I will plant amazon swords and java ferns.
Ten answers:
Gary C
2010-02-10 17:27:59 UTC

First, discus don't usually do well with other animals in the tank. Every discus breeder I know keeps discus in single-species tanks (i.e. nothing but discus).

They are "compatible" in the sense that they aren't likely to fight the other species, but that doesn't mean they'll be healthy. Discus have very weak immune systems, and with the mix you have, they are almost sure to contract some illness from the other fish, probably one that only kills the discus.

Second, your tank is about full with the fish you already have. A discus is a large fish, and doesn't tolerate crowding well. Frankly, you'd be wasting money on a discus, since it probably wouldn't live long, and would be even less likely to stay healthy and attractive.

By the way, mollies should not be in that community tank, either. They need harder, warmer water than the other fish you have. (And discus need softer, warmer water than the other fish you have.)

P.S. I hate to pick on anybody, but this is one of the dumbest answers I've ever seen: "if the computer says they can they can so go for it" ... Unless, of course, this person was being sarcastic. Do I really need to describe all the wrong information you can get through your computer?
2010-02-10 18:25:09 UTC
That many fish alone in one tank is too much especially adding a discus which can get very big, not to mention Discus are a very tough fish to keep and have to have very specific water conditions to survive. I would say that the 29 gallon is fine and the only thing I would add is maybe some sort of algae eater such as otto's. But a discus Im sorry but I'd say at least 55 or more gallons for one and also do a lot of research they a beautiful animal but a breed that some fish keepers sometimes can never hope to keep.
Brian Mi
2010-02-10 17:31:08 UTC
I'm sorry, this is not possible.

First of all, Discus need a rather warm tank with temperatures of about 79 degrees Fahrenheit. Glofish, which are zebra danios, are subtropical and cannot tolerate such warm temperatures.

Discus are very shy fish and prefer to be in schools. Your tank is already pretty well stocked, and a single discus will not fare too well.

Also, discus can grow very large. Since theire bodies are taller than they are long, they need a very tall tank. A 29 gallon is barely sufficient.

Finally, discus are large cichlids (somewhat related to oscars and convicts). At an adult size, they can and will attempt to eat your neon tetras.

(As an added note, the two gouramis in your tank will stress the discus out too much; because having two gouramis in a single tank will effectively turn it into a war zone)

Good luck!
2010-02-10 17:30:10 UTC
I wouldn't go that way if I were you... unless you are totally willing to do discus style care for your tank. Discus are way more particular about their water than most other fish. They are very shy and have to have pristine water which means lots and lots of water changes. They can also be picky eaters. As they grow older, your shrimp will become a tasty meal and if they get to full adult size, so might your glo fish and neons...remember a full size discus can reach about dessert plate size. I've seen some at cichlid shows (the American Cichlid Assoc's shows) where the adults were larger than my hand and I'm not a small person.

I don't think it's impossible with what you're describing, but I'd be hesitant. I have currently 2 (about to get 2 more) discus in a 29g, they are just little ones as of now and once I get my other 2, they'll move into a 55g and be there with no other fish. I do weekly water changes on them of at least 50% (I'm lucky to be on well water and don't have to mess with chemicals) and I have a sponge filter and hang on back filter running with live floating plants.

anyway, if you do choose to go that way, I'd totally be interested in hearing how it worked out! These fish are my new passion:) Good luck!
2010-02-10 19:06:38 UTC
19 fish and 3 shrimp? Your tank is already overcrowded. You can add that discus because they are peaceful and compatible to most community tanks but you'd be crowding it even more not to mention risking the life of the most expensive fish of your collection. It's obvious with all the fish you already have that you love the hobby.You only have 29 gallons, get a larger tank!
2010-02-10 17:23:25 UTC
u could. the discus might eat the smaller fish if he's alot bigger than them. i would ask your local pet store for more info too
2010-02-10 17:19:27 UTC
Yes but it might be kinda crowded. thats alot of fish
2010-02-10 17:27:13 UTC
Sounds good. Goodluck.
2010-02-10 17:22:13 UTC
Yes i think your source is very reliable!
2010-02-10 17:22:51 UTC
if the computer says they can they can so go for it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.