My girlfriend just got me a 12 gallon Nano Cube Deluxe for Christmas. It should be delivered to my house soon. I've owned tropical fish as a child and I'm barely getting back into the interest of keeping small fish again in my early 30's - so yes, I'm a novice with little experience. I know for beginners, it is recommended to get a 20+ gallon tank. However, I live in a one bedroom apartment with limited room so I thought this nano cube would best fit. I've done some research and found that people have successfully kept a pair of Rams in 12 gallon eclipse systems with some neon tetras. Would someone please (with personal experience & knowledgeable) let me know what fish (that looks good & is compatible with Rams) are small enough and hardy to successfully cycle a tank before introducing the German Blue Rams? FYI, I don't plan on keeping live plants. I want this to be a clean and simple setup.
Also, anyone with experience with the Nano Cube 12g Deluxe (for fresh water) can let me know if there is an opening in the back of this tank to put an air tube through for an external air pump for a decorate air stone or something? From all the pictures (which are mostly marine setups), it appears that no one has air bubbles being pumped in. Don't mean to sound like a big-time novice, but is there some type of technology in the 3-stage filtration system in the rear that oxygenates the water or something? My online research won't turn anything up on this? Please help...
Any additional tips would be helpful.