What is a hardy tropical fish to cycle a new 12g Nano Cube for a pair of German Blue Rams?
2010-01-13 15:14:39 UTC
My girlfriend just got me a 12 gallon Nano Cube Deluxe for Christmas. It should be delivered to my house soon. I've owned tropical fish as a child and I'm barely getting back into the interest of keeping small fish again in my early 30's - so yes, I'm a novice with little experience. I know for beginners, it is recommended to get a 20+ gallon tank. However, I live in a one bedroom apartment with limited room so I thought this nano cube would best fit. I've done some research and found that people have successfully kept a pair of Rams in 12 gallon eclipse systems with some neon tetras. Would someone please (with personal experience & knowledgeable) let me know what fish (that looks good & is compatible with Rams) are small enough and hardy to successfully cycle a tank before introducing the German Blue Rams? FYI, I don't plan on keeping live plants. I want this to be a clean and simple setup.

Also, anyone with experience with the Nano Cube 12g Deluxe (for fresh water) can let me know if there is an opening in the back of this tank to put an air tube through for an external air pump for a decorate air stone or something? From all the pictures (which are mostly marine setups), it appears that no one has air bubbles being pumped in. Don't mean to sound like a big-time novice, but is there some type of technology in the 3-stage filtration system in the rear that oxygenates the water or something? My online research won't turn anything up on this? Please help...

Any additional tips would be helpful.
Four answers:
2010-01-14 05:33:08 UTC
hi mate i would not go with the rams, if you are looking for a dwarf cichlid go for a small

Tanganyika, system, you could look at some snail dwellers, or a few brichardi, with hard water

it is easy-er to mature and you could put a few cheap guppies or sword tails to start it off

you could also use a none fish maturing SYSTEM just use ammonia from a chemist

and add i Little at a time until it matures so there is no stress on the fish while the maturing process

is cycling all the best karl
2010-01-13 17:13:11 UTC
Yes there are openings in the back. Lots of people use them for saltwater and corals, so the filtration is good.

I would suggest you look for another option instead of rams. They need more space than 12 gallons. 20 gallons is the minimum. I had a pair in my 26 that fought for territory all the time. If you just got rams and no plants for hiding, it won't go well. One of them will die.
2016-10-18 02:41:26 UTC
i n my adventure guppies are the hardiest of all tropical fish, inspite of the undeniable fact that by way of fact your wwcm are chilly water fish the adaptation in temperature wont do them any stable. they actually CAN stay mutually, its in simple terms that its no longer what they might like. what ever your determination, you may desire to cycle your 15G tank, next time you do a water exchange on your modern-day tank, upload the water you're disposing of to the 15G, you additionally can snip off in simple terms a sprint sponge out of your modern-day filter out and positioned it on your new filter out so help initiate the bacterial populatin. upload a stay plant in there and supply it 2 weeks, then you certainly can upload you wwcm to the bigger tank. what i might do is provide it yet another week (or a minimum of 4days) for the fish to settle in, then evaluate getting some guppies (dont pass procuring an excellent style of them, and get adult males in easy terms, they breed like rabbits and additionally you're starting to be an excellent style of duty finding after them.) they are announcing you may desire to upload fish one after the other, yet by way of fact guppies dont lik being on my own identity upload 3 at a time. identity be chuffed with approximately 6wcmm and 3 or 4 male guppies, in simple terms undergo in techniques that the ladies no longer in easy terms breed, yet they strengthen extra suitable than the adult males!
2010-01-13 15:24:05 UTC
serpae tetra are good and if they live they can handle the possible harassment from the blue rams

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