Phython is the WAY TO GO!
I have one, I highly recommend it.
You will never again have to carry water in a dirty bucket or start the siphon with your mouth, possibly tasting nasty fish water.
Essentially it is a gravel cleaner, or vacuum, but it is self starting.
The phython hooks directly to your faucet make sure the valve is open. You put the other end in the tank, turn on the water, it drains, meanwhile you clean your gravel while it's taking out the water.
THEN! the fun part! You put in your dechlorinator, (in the tank) head back to the sink, Turn the valve so that it's closed and then you turn on the right temp. of water and it fills up the tank!
Some water comes drips from the facet, but this way you can feel the temp of the water.
Then your done, turn the valve to open again, roll up the hose towards the sink while you let the water out, (in the sink)
And your done!
(Hey james! why dont you get the flow going, if your tank is up high enough it will go without the water flow being on after you get it started... put a bowl under the water that's coming straight from your tank, and then you wont have to use a seperate bucket/siphon to get your water to clean your filter with.. Just a suggestion!)