You should have fishless cycled the tank!
You should not have added so many fish at once even if you had fishless cycled.
None of the fish you mentioned could live to full size in a ten gallon, And very few fish thrive in pairs, live bearers do best in groups of 3 or more. Indian glass fish are schooling fish that need to be in a school of 6 or more.
Indian glass fish are gorgoes fish. But it is hard to find ones that have not been tortured and injected with die, Yes they and the mollies with haearts were injected whith die that may last several months at best, but will kill 80% of the fish which got the treatment, and leave the ones that survive highly open to diseases that spread to the entire tank.
Most fish stores have sections of fish, salt water, fresh, cichlid, goldfish, and all the tanks in the section are connected buy one filter system. So if the store has painted fish, all the fish in that section are open to dieses as well. I refuse to shop at any store that sells these fish, evan though that leaves me to like petco and petsmart and a store 2 hours away.
Ok so, hopfully you will agree that died fish are not good, lets go over the stoking.
There are shooling fish, like tetras and indian glassfish, danios, rasbora,,,, and they need to be in a school of 6 or more of the same exact species.
There are live bearing fish, lke mollies, swords, platies guppies,,, They do best in a group of 3 of the same species, In a small tank "like yours" The must be in same sex groups only. In a tank with males and females, there must be 2-3 females per 1 male. "more females thwn male!"
No pleco of any kind can live in a ten gallon, they are too messy, and they all get too big. bristlenose get to 6-8 inches, so tat wont work!
Mollies get to 4-6 inches and need at least a 30 gallon!
Sword tales might stay a littl smaller but a 25-30 is still reccomended.
It is very important to research any animal even fish, before you buy them. The people in petstores do not always no a lot about the animals, and you can trust them.
a ten gallon is fully stocked with 3-6 guppies. you can add snails or shrimp, but if you want a variety of fish, you need a bigger tank. And bigger tanks are easier to maintain anyway.
Also aim for 78 degrees with tropical fish.
Also float and acclimate any new fish!