2007-05-21 15:59:36 UTC
I've been doing good with my weekly water changes of at least 35%. I also use a gravel siphon and clean accordingly when removing water. Fish are fed once a day with careful attention not to over-feed. Additionally, water is checked once a week and all Ammonia, PH and Nitrite levels are within compliance of my test kits recommendations.
Last year, I upgraded my canister filter to a Magnum 350 with dual bio-wheels. Fish store suggested getting rid of both of my power heads that I used to run my under-gravel filter.
Long story short, I have the Magnum 350 in addition to one power head running my (single plate) under-gravel filter.
Additionally, I also check my tap water for Nitrate and the readings are consistently 0ppm. Also using Diamond-blend in my Magnum 350.
How can I get the Nitrate down? Thanks!