Brian C
2006-09-01 14:49:57 UTC
(1) They died very quickly. One day, they were eating like pigs, then the next, they would not eat anything and stay at the bottom. And on the following day, they died.
(2) All of my other bettas are happy and fine, and I treat them all the same way. They have their individual 2- or 3-gallon filtered tanks that are cycled (ammonia/nitrite reading 0 daily for several weeks now). I do a 50% water change every week. I use filtered water (with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Tap Water Filter) with the recommended amount of Electro Right and Ph Adjuster (for ph of 7.0). I have the thermostat set at 80F. I feed them primarily Hikari Bio Gold Betta pellets, with freeze dried brine shrimp and bloodworm thrown in once or twice a week for variety. So I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Initially, I was feeding 5 pellets once a day. Now I do only 3, just because I can't think of anything else I could be doing wrong.
What's going on?