Exotic Fish?
2006-02-10 09:21:39 UTC
I have to write a paper on exotic fish. I don't know where to look. can some one please help me.
Three answers:
2006-02-10 10:49:13 UTC
I suggest a brief look in Yahoo or Google search engine.

Just for kicks i typed in "exotic fish" and found all sorts of neat websites to use a s a source.

You of course have to decide what an exotic fish is. A rare aquarium fish, or a fish that was impoted to a new region, i.e. invasive fish.

But spend some timw at the library an ask the reference librarian for help. They will help show you how to find this out yourself.
2006-02-10 16:42:45 UTC
try yahoo search exotic fishes.
2006-02-10 09:57:12 UTC
this is not Yahoo homework helpline but try researching this fish it is very interesting i read the whole article very informative piranhas

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