2010-10-25 14:45:51 UTC
1 The light that the tank came with is a grow light (24 inches) but is is only 17 watts and 8000k are there any plants suitable for this lighting or would i need a stronger light to meet low light plant needs. If i have to get a new light how much do they cost and where could i get one?
2 If i got low light plants such as a java fern and java moss would i need a C02 dispenser to keep it alive?Also what would be other supplies would i need to keep my plants thriving?
3 Would i need to get special substrate or could i just have normal gravel in the fish tank with plant food and supplements.
4 If everything works out what are some extra tips on growing Java fern and Java moss and could you recommend any other low light plants that would work and have a easy care level.