2007-11-05 15:55:45 UTC
Anyway, I went to the LFS to get some treatment for my tank with ich, and while perusing saw the cutest teeny tiny Yo Yo loach. The LFS here (its the only LFS here) is tiny and they hardly ever have any kind of loach, let alone a cute little one like a got it:P
I put it in my tank and he seems to be doing fine (he's in the tank that *doesnt* have ich! I promse! Im not that reckless!) But is there anything I need to know? The LFS said having just one is fine, but now Im finding sites that say they need to be in groups like clowns. Do I need to go see if I can snag their last yoyo so I can have 2?
Any help you can offer me on this loach would help.
BTW: he's in a 28 gallon lightly planted tank with several mollies and platies (about a dozen or so total) and a 4-5in pleco.