Find a better LFS, or start doing more thorough research!
Oscars grow very large (around 14"), get increasingly territorial, and for a bonded pair you'd need at least 120-150 US gallons. You can't visually sex Oscars, so if you've ended up with two males you'll only know that when one gets beaten to death by the other. The Oscars are also likely to eat that Congo Tetra.
Speaking of the Tetra, it's a shoaling fish and should not be kept alone, they need to be in groups of 6+.
The Kissing Gourami also has the potential to hit 12" and really needs a slightly larger tank than yours depending on dimensions of your 60, generally they need a minimum of a 75. They get pretty nasty too. That "kissing" is actually fighting!
What kind of Pleco? There are over 800 species with a huge range of needs, and they are all huge waste producers.
Blood Parrot Cichlids are screwed up Cichlid hybrids. They should get between 8"-10" and still have a feisty nature, but unlikely to be able to tough it out with a more-able Oscar!
Basically, knowledgeable aquatic store staff are very few and far between. The majority are just there to make a profit and not for the welfare of the fish. They can usually spot an ill-researched n00bie from half a mile away and take every opportunity to sell the more expensive fish without a care in the world! Never rely solely on a member of staff at an LFS for fish care information, do your OWN background reading and plan your tank from the ground up BEFORE you buy any fish!