HELP! My angelfish arent eating this is there second day not eating!?
2006-02-27 05:30:48 UTC
Also there is this foggy film on the rocks on some parts of the tank what is that? this is really gross...All of there food just collects at the bottom of the tank and they wont eat what should i do?
Four answers:
2006-02-27 10:12:16 UTC
OK. Not good.

You have an ammonia and protein problem. Go to the petstore and get some AmQuel or AmmoLock 2 and a siphon. Do a 50% water change vacuuming the gravel well.

Add the ammonia binding chemical and do not feed for another 24 hours. Fish can go days without food.

Tomorrow, do another 50% change and add more ammonia binding chemical. Then take some water to the pet store and have them test for you. If your ammonia is returning to zero and nitrite is ok, then you can try a small pinch of food. I suggest pellet foods for angelfish.
2006-02-27 13:37:46 UTC
I would suggest doing the biggest water change you can manage and having your water tested right away. I would not keep adding food to their tank. Fasting for a few days will not harm them, but poor water quality can kill them. If you do not have a test kit many pet stores, including PetSmart will test your water for you and sell you whatever you may need to correct the problem.
2006-02-27 13:41:11 UTC
Siphon out the uneaten food. replace water slowly to its original level after siphoning. the 'foggy film' could be eggs. angel fish lays its eggs on side of tank and flat surfaces.
2006-02-27 13:37:39 UTC
what i know that may she falls in love , in that case its easy

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